Conference Bournemouth 2002 |
- 21 June 2002
Summary of decisions with Scotland positions |
1. Introduction
This summary is compiled from notes taken by the
briefings team and is believed to be accurate. Please check
with the UK
site for the official record. On some motions there
is a fuller report from the briefings team - just click on *Report
Conference was a quiet slow affair until things
speeded up and got more lively on Friday afternoon. Nevertheless
many important policies were set and we had time for a change
to debate a number of international issues.
With about 200 motions it is obvious they are
not all going to be heard, so Regions (in consultation with
branches), the NEC and self organised groups agree a set of
priorities. These are then grouped into subject debates.
The full text of the motions referred to below
was printed in a UNISONFocus which went out to all activists.
You can also download the motions and the composites from
2. Guest Speakers
Reports on significant speeches by Denis
Goldberg, Dr John Reid
are on this site and Janice Carandang, one of the Filipino nurses
'rescued' by UNISON, is on the UNISON UK (
3. Conference Business - Results and Scotland
Comp G: Elected Assemblies and Regional
Government in England (Carried)
The debate on devolution for English regions has moved
on and this motion outlined all the reasons why we should
be backing government closer to the people. It pointed to
the need to maintain effective local government mirroring
the position taken in the campaign in Scotland. However
this will, as it has in Scotland, throw into focus the need
for resources for UNISON Regions to play a full part in
the process. The motion recognised the need for the union
to look at how it organises itself and provides the tools
for the job.
Scottish Region policy Supported
Comp A: The Third Comprehensive Spending
Review (Carried) *Report
Campaign to highlight the contribution public services
make, to demand a dramatic increase investment and to warn
against the threat to spending from European Monetary Union.
A key element was to encourage branches to be directly involved
in the campaign. An amendment criticising the National Insurance
rise to boost NHS funding was lost. While Scottish policy
would have preferred an income tax solution to more money
for the NHS, the NI rise came close. Key contributions in
this debate from Scotland's Jane Carolan and Mike Kirby.
Scottish Region policy supported the motion and opposed
the amendment.
78 & 79: Care for the Elderly (Carried)
Making care of the elderly the focus for the social
policy debate and calling for the Scottish model of free
personal care for the rest of the UK.
Scottish Region policy Supported
77: Positively Public Campaign for Residential
Care Homes (Carried)
A comprehensive motion was critical that the Positively
Public Campaign had not publicised the loss of public residential
homes (which it had, but never mind, this was Conference).
Conference decided on a lobby of Parliament and to donate
£10,000 the Residents Action Group for the Elderly. Scottish
policy supported the NEC amendment because it left the door
open to other joint strategies rather than just the lobby.
However Conference threw out the amendment and the main
motion was passed.
Scottish Region policy Supported the Motion and the
Comp C: Integrated Public Transport (Carried)
Conference demanded more investment in buses, concessionary
fares, more powers to enforce standards, protection of conditions,
reduced congestion, UK bus regulation, better access and
more investment.
Scottish Region policy Supported
Comp B: NHS Funding (Carried) *Report
Conference welcomed the £1billion investment in the
NHS but concluded more was needed to meet the standards
we want to see. Total commitment to an NHS free at the point
of need and called for a campaign against any attempts to
privatise the NHS. Motion pointed out the failures of private
insurance schemes in Europe to protect the poor and opposed
private managers in the NHS. Key contribution from Scotland's
Karie Murphy.
Scottish Region policy Supported
135: Chhokar Family Campaign (Carried)
Conference backed a Black Members motion, amended by
Scotland, calling for a public inquiry into the handling
of the case of Surjit Singh Chhokar who was murdered three
years ago. The amendment also called for a public tribunal
if a public inquiry could not be achieved and for donations
to support the STUC appeal to help finance the Chhokar family
case. In a moving speech, Scottish Region delegate Mary
Crichton said that three years on "the family still don't
know who was responsible for their son's death. Throughout
that time they have conducted themselves with great dignity".
UNISON Scotland has already donated to this campaign and
has issued pledge sheets for donations from branches and
Regions. If each branch gives just £20, the money needed
would be raised.
Scottish Region policy Supported
Comp E: Pensions Future Provision (Carried)
Call for more co-ordination of trustees; restoration
of the earnings link; seek legal redress for employees coerced
into changing pension arrangements; work with Institute
of Employment Rights and Pensioners Convention to get changes
in law to better protect pensions; calls for UNISON members'
guide to pensions and campaign for statutory rights for
employee reps on all pension panels/boards.
Scottish Region policy Supported
7: Public Services (Carried) *Report
General Secretary Dave Prentis ‘named and shamed' accountancy
firms who had acted as advisers on PFI as well as auditors
to privateers bidding for projects as Conference called
for the successful Positively Public campaign to be stepped
up a gear and for a 10 year plan to rebuild public services.
The campaign will
- openly confront the Government with evidence of private
sector failures;
- ask the political funds to pool resources for a strategic
- maximise public support;
- help branches to build local links with users and community
groups and link with other unions to bring maximum pressure
to promote public services.
Conference threw out calls for a national
demonstration. "If you are not going to be there, don't
vote for this amendment" was the argument. Conference went
with the view that other joint strategies at local and national
level were the best way to progress the campaign.
Calls to impose conditions of funding on candidates
were also defeated. This would have meant we could not make
links with progressive forces unless they are in 100% agreement
with us on everything. It could even end up with us effectively
backing more than one candidate.
Scottish Region policy supported the motion and opposed
the national demo call (policy is for regional action, ie
a Scottish Demo) and the conditions on funding.
120: Developing a Young Members Organising
Culture (Carried)
Conference backed a call to try to involve young members
more via a range of issues like rotating branch officer
Scottish Region policy Supported
118: Putting the members at the Centre
of UNISON (Carried)
Conference backed an 8 point plan to build recruitment,
membership involvement and participation. Branches should
set targets for more activists and members and look at new
ways of working, eg more use on the Internet while recognising
not all members will have access to this particular tool.
The motion was beefed up by a number of amendments which
were all carried. These covered the need to give examples
of best practice in branches, more support and more accessible
training for activists, more work on proportionality and
fair representation. Significantly Conference also backed
the view that the best recruitment is done when the union
takes up issues which are important to members.
Scottish Region policy supported motion and amendments
115: Organising for Recognition Across
the Public Services (Carried)
Regions and service groups should work together to identify
target employers to get recognition agreements. More support
for activists via bargaining and organising advice with
training materials and use the new right to be accompanied
to build steward organisation. Significantly also a review
of resource requirements. Amendment was carried calling
for more organisational support for branches.
Scottish Region policy supported the motion and Amendment
1 (Amend. 2 withdrawn)
Motion 15 National Action Against Privatisation
Conference threw out a call for a national demonstration
in favour of its position for regional action (See Motion
7 above) Conference backed the view that these demos are
often called for but nobody attends. It was better to have
more local focussed action where members could identify
with a particular issue. The amendments were withdrawn.
Contribution from Mary Crichton.
Scottish Region policy opposed
Comp M: Political Fund Review (Carried
Conference censured the NEC for slow pace of consultation
on political funds. NEC instructed to organise a debate
and draw up consultation timetable. Work with regions to
ensure widest consultation and membership participation.
Give equal weight to all sides of the argument. Branches
etc to give high priority.
Scottish Region policy felt criticism was
unfounded as a consultation exercise is under way through
March-May following the exploration of the legal and constitutional
options open to the union. From the Scottish Region policy
view, the amendment grounded the process in reality and
recognised the history of the union's inception. It also
looked at the issues as they directly affect members and
addressed the changes brought by devolution, and the key
issue of membership participation in the APF and its decision-making
However, Conference did not agree and the
amendment was narrowly lost by 495,623 to 427,080 on a card
vote. The Motion was carried by 519,379 to 442,632. Both
these votes show there is far from unanimity on this issue.
Scottish Region policy supported amendment and opposed
the motion if the amendment was lost.
Comp L: Palestine (Carried)
Conference supported the right to self-determination
of the Palestinian people; their right of return and immediate
and unconditional withdrawal of Israeli troops to the pre-1967
border. Will make these points to Israeli Government, Palestinian
Authority, Foreign Office and TUC. Establish what support
Palestinian Trade Unions need (via GFPTU), develop links
with Palestinian unions, call on APF to promote policy in
Labour Party and enter into discussions with the Palestinian
Solidarity Campaign re closer working relations. Amendment
L.1 was withdrawn and L.2 fell.
Scottish Region policy supported
35: Equal Pay (Carried)
Continue to publicise equal pay training, branch guidance,
and encourage branches to get equal pay reps and join TUC
pilot to train them - as part of wider campaign.
Scottish Region policy supported
Comp D: Work-Life Balance (Carried)
Need to pursue family friendly policies, flexible working
etc to benefit members. Campaign for better statutory rights
for parents with resources, advice and examples to service
groups, regions and branches so they can pursue policies
with employers. Amendment was withdrawn
Scottish Region policy supported.
Emergency Motion 1: Racism and the BNP
Step up campaign against racism. Call on TUC for demo
in Manchester area and publicise it in Burnley, Oldham etc
and support other anti-fascist activities. Support Burnley
branch in measures they agree against BNP councillors. Raise
with APF need for immediate measures to tackle poverty,
segregation etc. Support TUC 'Respect Festival' in North
West England.
Scottish Region policy supported
1. Rule B.4 Aims and Objectives (Carried)
Members, activists and staff to be treated with 'dignity
and respect' - and similarly by external providers of service.
Scottish Region policy supported
2. Rule C.2.4 Unemployed Members (Carried)
Unemployed member status and rights for two years after
dismissal or redundancy.
Scottish Region policy supported
3. Rule C.2.4 Unemployed Members (Lost)
Would have meant losing office if becoming unemployed during
term of office.
Scottish Region policy supported
4. Rule D.1.3 Structure of Union at National Level (Carried)
Branch delegates can only attend Conference as branch delegates
(ie not as NEC, Service Group rep too) and NEC etc can only
attend and speak as that.
Scottish Region policy supported
5. Rule D.1.6 Shared Delegates (Fell because 6 Carried)
6. Rule D.1.6 Shared Delegates (Carried)
Previously only single delegate branches could 'share' a
delegate. Now branches with more than one delegate can share
one of the delegate seats to promote proportionality, fair
representation etc. Opposition to this came from concerns
about the size of Conference (already over 2,000) and whether,
rather than creating more equality, could be used to get
around it.
7. Rule D.1.7 Right to Attend and Speak (Fell
because 8 not carried)
8. Rule D.1.7 Right to Attend and Speak (Not two-thirds)
Would have meant that NEC members (like branch
members) could only speak for NEC policy. With this not
carried it means NEC members can still come down off the
platform and speak for nobody but themselves. One speaker
said it would only be used in exceptional circumstances
and points of principle, then proceeded to hop down off
the platform on a range of issues to speak against both
NEC and previous Conference policy. On this occasion this
was to present 'left' views. In the past an NEC member has
used this to promote anti-abortion views against policy.
Scottish Region policy supported
9. Rule D.1.10.3 Amendments to amendments
to rule (Lost)
Would have meant allowing amendments to amendments to
rule. Things are complicated enough without this.
Scottish Region policy opposed
10. Rule D.1.10.4 Amendments to amendments to rule (Lost)
As 9. Scottish Region policy opposed
11. Rule D.2.2 Regional Representatives (Carried)
Allows low paid woman member seat to complete term in her
seat if her pay rises above the hourly rate limit - so long
as not due to change of job.
No Scottish Region policy
12. Rule D.2.8 Powers (Not two thirds [Card Vote: F 517,472
A 446,879])
Would have held responsible and disciplined anyone using
union funds outwith rule - would have banned from office
anyone who misappropriates funds or commits fraud. Can still
do this but very convoluted process.
Scottish Region policy supported
13. Withdrawn
14. Service Groups (Carried)
Water group becomes Water and Environment.
15. See 16
16. Rule D.4.1.3 (Carried)
'Members with Disabilities' becomes 'Disabled Members'.
17. Rule G.4.1.1 (Carried)
Adds 'membership Officer' to list of branch officers.
18. Rule P.17 (Lost)
Would have allowed supplementary questions on Annual
Report without notice if branch not satisfied with earlier
reply. Already often too much time spent on this at Conference
and reason for giving notice is so the reply can be researched.
19. Schedule A.1 (Lost)
Would have created new subs bands. Conference decided
to await review.
Scottish Region policy opposed
Comp J: Globalisation and International
Trade (Carried)
(Motions 87,88 and 89) A comprehensive motion outlining
the inequality and poverty around the world caused by the
benefits of trade not being distributed fairly, using the
coffee trade as an example. Calls for UK to take a lead
in tackling the crisis and individuals to use their power
as consumers to go for Fair Trade products. Campaign to
get WTO to collaborate with ILO, assess the impact of GATS,
campaign on human rights issues and name and shame transnational
corporations who breach ILO regulations - and much more.
Scottish Region policy supported
65. Combatting Racism on Local Communities
Conference believes local authorities have a major role
in addressing the social deprivation that allows the BNP
to incite racial hatred. Congratulates the work being done
in the North West of England via the TUC and proving funding
for the Coalition against racism to oppose the BNP in Oldham.
Encouraged branches to get involved in local campaigns etc.
Amendments calling for affiliation to the Anti Nazi league
were withdrawn (looking for the main debate on 6).
Scottish Region policy supported
66. Stop the Nazis (Carried as amended)
A serious national campaign to prevent the BNP having
electoral successes but the main issue was affiliation to
the Anti Nazi League. The debate was whether this organisation
meets UNISON's tests of democracy and transparency - and
specifically here, whether there are measures to ensure
black leadership involvement. The Anti- Nazi League has
not met these tests, it has not provided audited accounts
and does not have systems for black leadership. Black Members
Group speakers made that loud and clear and Conference backed
amendment to delete the affiliation issue.
Scottish Region policy supported the amendments and
the amended motion.
48: Age Discrimination and Citizenship
Young members motion called for; Lowering voting age
to 16; Campaign around European Directive that outlaws discrimination
on age by 2006; Campaign against other discrimination like
the minimum wage rules, jobseekers allowance and Housing
and Council Tax Benefits assessment.
Scottish Region policy supported
42: United Campaign for the Repeal of Anti-Trade
Union Laws (Carried)
Conference agreed to affiliate to the campaign and build
'massive campaign' for a Workers' Charter. Support Institute
of Employment Rights and TUC in their campaigns.
Scottish Region policy supported
8: Dignity and Respect at Work (Carried)
The campaign for quality public services delivered by
directly employed public sector staff will be enhanced by
promoting dignity and respect and equity at work for public
sector employees. This, the tackling of discrimination and
attacks on staff, to be at the forefront of the Positively
Public campaign - along with confronting the two-tier workforce.
Scottish Region policy supported
Comp F: Asylum Seekers (Carried)
Campaign on defence and extension of the 1951 Geneva
Convention on the rights of asylum seekers; cash benefits
at income support level, and the right to work; closure
of detention centres; end forced dispersal; end harassment.
Support for National Assembly Against Racism's 'Speak Out
Against Racism' campaign and Committee to Defend Asylum
Scottish Region policy supported
39: Ill Health Retirement Qualifications
(Carried) *Report
Members who need ill-health retirement are losing out
because of over-strict rules for medical advisers. Now UNISON
is to lobby MPs for changes to "allow genuinely ill members
to get ill-health retirement", said Scottish Region delegate
Mary Crichton. Allayed fears from Disabled members that
not looking for wholesale ill-health retirements but was
merely trying to address the inflexible guideline that a
member would never be able to work again before their 65th
Scottish Region policy supported
38: Discrimination in Pension Schemes (Carried
as amended by 38.3) *Report
Conference overwhelmingly backed a campaign to combat
the Government's refusal to back full equality in pension
schemes for non-married and same sex partners.
Scottish Region policy supported
34: Housing Privatisation (Carried)
Congratulated UNISON members and tenants for 'no' votes
in ballots and the bear miss in Glasgow. Build on the campaign
jointly with tenants and other unions. NEC amendment noted
lessons had been learned for future campaigns and that current
campaign had included guidance for branches facing stock
transfers and on arms length companies; training programme,
publicity materials, housing seminar, research and £100,000
worth of General Political Fund campaigns.
Scottish Region policy supported motion and amendment
Comp K: Stop the War (Carried as amended
by K.1) *Report
Conference backed a call to explain our position to
members against military action following September 11 and
to join in with Stop the War demonstrations. It also called
for support for members experiencing increased racism because
of the war. But it overwhelmingly rejected local action
by branches to mount protests 'immediately on hearing news
of Iraq being attacked by the USA and Britain' (K.2).
Scottish Region policy supported K, K.1 and opposed
127: Counselling Service for lay members
As the motion itself said, this resulted from Edinburgh's
motion to last year's Conference, raising the issue of stress
faced by activists. The NEC is to set up
- a confidential independent telephone counselling service
from September this year - to be evaluated and reviewed
in 2003
- a survey of activists on effects on members from stress
arising out of TU duties
- encourage activists to attend the UNISON stress management
Scottish Region policy supported