home and international
UNISON Scottish Convenor MIKE KIRBY looks
at the main issues for this Conference
In comparison with previous conferences, 2002
may not appear to set the heather on fire. Nor the rose, leek
or shamrock for that matter.
What may seem at first sight a rather pedestrian
agenda, includes major debates on the future funding of public
services and how we campaign. This year the international trade
union agenda forces its way on to the priorities.
The prioritisation process with regions, branches,
service groups and self-organised groups has again allowed the
Standing Orders Committee to create a series of themes to lead
off each half day's business and to construct the agenda around
a dozen or so main composites.
Public Services
Funding Public services were established to address
social need, when business sought profit. Business is geared to
profit not to address need. But traditional public services can
be improved and if they are to remain public must secure public
confidence through greater participation.
Scepticism of politics is growing and UNISON
has an opportunity to engage people in our agenda, properly funded
public services do deliver.
Major composites on the Third Comprehensive Spending
Review, the Health Service and Public Transport have a Scottish
A major element of the Public Service debate
will focus on UNISON activity re national demonstration or not.
The Scottish Council debate favoured regional-based activity.
Recent national demos have not been supported. If you won't
be there, don't vote for it.
Issues at Work
The threat to final salary scheme pensions has
put a major composite at the head of the agenda and changing working
practices have given rise to a debate on Work Life Balance.
Government and Home Affairs
The government's aggressive policy on immigration
and asylum is addressed in Composite F and reflects Scotland's
criticism of the use of detention centres, made earlier this year
at the STUC, and calls for an end to forced dispersal which is
opposed by asylum seekers and sympathetic local host communities
alike. We should reciprocate support for Elected Assemblies in
England (Composite G) and oppose the election of mayors (and monkeys?)
Composite H.
International UNISON
The referendum on the Euro is imminent and motion
4 continues UNISON's opposition, due to the adverse effect upon
public services. Similar concerns are expressed in Composite J
on Globalisation. The international space on the agenda has been
considerably increased to accommodate debates on international
situation and the East (Composite K).
Palestine has a particular focus (composite L)
is worthy of support but the amendment L.3 forgets the first rule
of solidarity ….be mindful of the wishes of those you would support.
Not to Mention……. For the dour Scots, wailing
Welsh and not-there-either Northern Irish, I haven't mentioned
the World Cup….. so now I have mentioned it.
Anyway. Enjoy the week!
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Scotland's Conference Briefings Team
The Scottish Communications and Campaigning Committee,
along with the Regional delegates, will issue daily briefings
at Conference.
It is not a ‘News' service after the event (after
all you were there), it is for briefing delegates before the event.
However, we may issue some special reports if necessary.
The service is also there to be used by branches
if you are campaigning within Scotland Policy or if you need urgent
help for issues back home.
Your contact is SiU editor John Stevenson who
leads the team with Jane Aitchison and Robert McComb whose name
we will soon learn to spell. Other committee members will also
be lending a hand (yes, there's no rest if you are on the Communications
If you need to contact the team, see Mike Kirby
or Mary Crichton at the Regional Delegates' seats or grab John
Stevenson if (carefully though). Otherwise you can nobble Jane
Aitchison with the South Lanarkshire lot. Please try to avoid
coming up to the Newsheet Arel. Health & Safety regulations mean
there are strict limits on numbers, even for the briefings team.
Website We will be trying to update the website with occasional
reports for back home. We cannot guarantee this service due to
a number of factors - but we'll try.
Key Contacts
Mike Kirby and Mary Crichton are this year's
Scottish Regional delegates. They are there to help, especially
if you want to get into a debate. They have a key role in promoting
Scottish policy, organising and giving branches a way to join
together to promote policies more effectively. Robin Hunter is
our rep on the Standing Orders Committee and is a mine of information.
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Scots Night
Jamtastic BAND
Wessex Hotel, Westcliffe Road, Bournemouth
Wednesday 9 June 8pm - 1am (Bar till 12.30)
Proceeds for Palestine
Tickets £7 from Pat Rowland
top | Conference
What are they really saying?
A guide to Conference ‘code' phrases.
"I'd just like to echo...” - I've written my
speech and you're going to hear it.
"I think I've got flu” - the hangover's set in.
"Must have an early night” - delusive conference
"This is my first speech to Conference.” - I've
spoken at 23 political meetings, two rallies and a sit-in, but
this is the first time at Conference.
"It's undemocratic” - I don't agree with it.
"I'll tell you what my members say to me” -
They agree with me when they get a get a word in.
"The Standing Orders Committee will look at it
again and report back to you” - Piss off!
"The NEC has concerns about the motion to an
extent that the intention is not in line with the strategic review”
- I've lost my idiot notes.
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