UNISON Scotland
Scotland's public service union




Siu Index
May/June 2008 No 73

East Dunbartonshire Action starts

Members at Hilton Depot in East Dunbartonshire Council, started strike action (along with their GMB colleagues) on 10 May after a successful ballot approved both strike action and action short of strike in the branch's campaign against the impostion of cuts in conditions as part of the single status proposals of the council.

The action is being backed from the 13 May by an council wide overtime ban, a work to rule and a ban on the use of private cars for council business. The branch has adopted a joint strategy of selective strikes, backed up by all-out action short of strikes.

Further information on the branch website at www.unison-edc.org.

Jim Burnett, East Dunbartonshire Branch Secretary said, "Members are not prepared to accept the removal of shift allowances, lower over-time rates and flexible annual leave which is only flexible if management allow it. We are taking action to bring a better offer from Management to the table."


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