MSP Briefing - The Emergency
Workers (Scotland) Act 2005 (Modification) Order 2008
January 2008
This briefing sets out UNISON Scotland's position
on the introduction of The Emergency Workers (Scotland) Act 2005
(Modification) Order 2008 which is being considered in the Scottish
Parliament's Justice Committee on Tuesday, 15 January 2008.
UNISON Scotland welcomes any extension to the
scope of the Emergency Workers (Scotland) Act, 2005, that ensures
more staff at risk from assault are protected by legislation.
As you will be aware the numbers of assaults on public service
staff is increasing and the criminal law is an important part
of a package of measures to protect staff. We also welcome the
Scottish Government's continued support for the safety at work
initiatives including the current awareness campaigns.
However, we are very disappointed at the limited
extension to the scope of staff covered by the Act. We were aware
of the restrictions of the Act and highlighted these during the
passage of the legislation. Despite these restrictions we believe
there is an opportunity to cover a wider group staff who work
in similar circumstances to the staff groups covered in the current
Modification Order.
Firstly, there are the other health workers who
are not covered by the order. Section 5 of the Act covers staff
in a hospital or on adjacent land used for the purposes of a hospital,
assisting a "person acting in a capacity mentioned in sub-section
(3) below", i.e. a registered medical practitioner, a registered
nurse or registered midwife or someone acting on behalf of the
Scottish Ambulance Service. The Modification Order covers all
of the above staff providing services across NHS Scotland, but
omits anyone assisting them in carrying out their duties. There
are many health workers in today's NHS who perform duties in their
own right and do not 'assist' doctors or nurses, such as physiotherapists
and other allied health professionals. Health workers in the community
also work with other professionals, such as social workers, home
helps, etc. The order runs the risk of creating a situation where,
for example, in a joint future setting, a nurse and a social worker
could be visiting someone in their home. If both are assaulted,
only the nurse would be covered by the Act. Another example could
be in a GP's surgery, where the doctor and community nurses would
be protected, but not the receptionists.
We have similar concerns over police staffs
not all of whom 'assist' police officers. There is a range of
other staff who work in emergency circumstances who could be covered
by the Act such as staff who deal with emergencies in environmental
agencies and public utilities.
The selective nature of the order risks being
perceived as creating a two-tier level of protection for public
service staff. This would be unfortunate and we are sure this
was not the intention. UNISON Scotland believes that the drafting
of the current order has been done in haste and misses a golden
opportunity to bring in legislation which would cover all public
service workers carrying out their duties. We would urge the Justice
Committee to request further legislation to cover other groups
mentioned above and all other public sector workers who should
be protected from assault on all occasions.
For further information please contact:
Dave Watson: Diane
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