Climate Change Bill
Act now to demand a stronger Bill - 4 key 'asks'
Briefing No. 181 April 2008
UNISON Scotland is urging support for a strong Scottish
Climate Change Bill. The Scottish Government is currently consulting
on its proposals, with a deadline for responses of 23 April 2008.
This briefing aims to encourage branches and members to support
four key 'asks' - an 80% target for cutting carbon emissions
by 2050; statutory annual reductions of at least 3% per year;
include emissions from international aviation and shipping; strong
targets for the public sector to lead by example, with negotiated
green workplace action.
Consultation on Proposals for a Scottish Climate
Change Bill
UNISON Scotland is part of the Stop Climate Chaos
Scotland (SCCS) coalition. Environmental groups, faith organisations,
trade unions and other members have all welcomed the Bill as a
pioneering opportunity to develop a legal framework for managing
carbon emissions. At a time when urgent international action is
required, the Bill creates an opportunity for Scotland to be a
world leader.
UNISON sees the Bill's 80% target for cutting carbon
emissions by 2050 as the minimum necessary, according to the latest
science. However, we believe it is essential to commit to statutory
annual reductions of at least 3% per year. Without this, there
is a risk of early delays and inaction, meaning much more challenging
reductions in future years. A multi-year budget also allows a
Government to potentially shift responsibility onto its successor,
reducing accountability and undermining confidence in meeting
overall targets.
We also support including emissions from international
aviation and shipping. Aviation is the fastest growing source
of greenhouse emissions in the UK. The Scottish Government says
there is no international agreement on how to allocate aviation
emissions to individual states. But the UK government reports
them to the UN under the requirements of the Kyoto protocol and
they are on the DEFRA website. The impact of shipping on climate
change has been seriously underestimated and it is important that
action is taken in this area too.
Public Sector and Green Workplace action
Scotland's public services have a vital role to
play. More carbon emissions are generated in the workplace than
at home, with two thirds of emissions work related. We want to
see the Bill include strong Government support for public sector
targets on cutting emissions, to lead by example. In particular
the Bill should encourage initiatives involving unions and the
workforce in negotiated green workplace agreements to dramatically
cut carbon footprints.
Act now! Support the 4 asks.
Respond to the consultation supporting the 4 asks
by clicking on
Or read the consultation/respond at:
Green Workplace Briefing:
Environment Manifesto & 10 point action plan:
Stop Climate Chaos Scotland:
Contacts list:
Fiona Montgomery
Dave Watson
@P&I Team
14 West Campbell Street
G2 6RX
Tel 0845 355 0845
Fax 0141 331 1203
Textphone 0141 248 3981
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