Sector Procurement Regulations
Response from UNISON Scotland to the
Scottish Executive Consultation on draft Scottish
regulations implementing the Public Sector Procurement Directive
November 2005
This paper constitutes UNISON Scotland's response
to the Scottish Executive consultation document ‘The Draft Scottish
Regulations Implementation Public Sector Procurement Directive 2004/18/EC.'
UNISON is Scotland's largest trade union representing
over 150,000 members working primarily in the public sector.
UNISON Scotland welcomes the opportunity to put forward
our views regarding the implementation of the Procurement Directive
and this response builds on our response to the October 2004 consultation.
UNISON welcomes the aim of the new European Public
Sector Procurement Directive to modernise, simplify and clarify
the provisions of the previous Public Procurement Directives covering
works, supplies and services. UNISON is concerned that most of the
suggested amendments that we recommended in the October 2004 consultation
exercise on draft regulations implementing the new Public Sector
Procurement Directive have not been implemented. In particular,
we do not understand the failure to reflect the important changes
in the new Directive that enable consideration of social and environmental
criteria, including employment issues, to be taken into account
in the evaluation and award of contracts.
We also note that the Executive is almost entirely
following the approach set out in the equivalent English regulations
promulgated by the OGC. Procurement is a devolved issue and therefore
there is an opportunity to develop a distinctive Scottish approach
to procurement that reflects our public sector ethos and supports
the Scottish economy.
In essence we want the Scottish Executive to recognise
that EU policy is not just about competition. The procurement rules
are flexible and we want the Executive to use this flexibility as
other governments across the European Union do. It is vital that
Scottish manufacturers are operating on a level playing field and
that public procurement is used to secure employment in Scotland
and the rest of the UK.
Legal certainty on the use of social
and environmental criteria
UNISON welcomes the legal certainty derived from
the text of the new Directive. This makes it clear that contracting
authorities are legally allowed to include social and environmental
criteria in the evaluation and award of contracts as long as the
criteria are linked to the subject matter of the contract as stated
in Recital 1 and Article 26 of the Directive.
This removes any doubt that public authorities are
able to consider employment issues, including statutory guidance
and legislation on fair employment and to tackle the two-tier
workforce as set out in the Scottish Protocol on PPPs, the draft
s52 guidance and any other code of practice that may be agreed.
However UNISON is concerned that the draft regulations
have not made explicit that the new Public Sector Procurement
Directive allows contracting authorities to undertake public procurement
in such a way that achieves both value for money and meets vital
social, employment and environmental challenges. Furthermore we
are disappointed that, in the draft regulations themselves, the
fact that contracting authorities may stipulate conditions including
social and environmental considerations only appears, without
any further detail, under ‘miscellaneous' measures (Part 7) on
page 54 of a document which, runs to 84 pages. Given the importance
of these new opportunities, we would expect to see it clearly
stated at the beginning of the document.
The Executive should also include a clear reference to
the role of contracting authorities in promoting employment sustainability.
Innovative contracting authorities are already making
use of these provisions and omitting them from the regulations
will inevitably lead to confusion.
UNISON also believes that in the transposition of
the Public Sector Directive, the Executive is not making full
use of the new opportunities provided by the Directive to promote
social, employment and environmental criteria that were negotiated
into the text of the new Directives following campaigns by trade
unions, NGOs and equality bodies at European level.
UNISON has previously emphasised the importance
of Recital 34 of the new Directive which states that "collective
agreements, at both national and Community level, which are in
force in the areas of employment conditions and safety at work
apply during the performance of a public contract" and
"If national law contains provisions to this effect, non-compliance
with those obligations may be considered to be grave misconduct
or an offence concerning the professional conduct of the operator
concerned, liable to lead to the exclusion of that economic operator
from the procedure for the award of a public contract.."
UNISON would like the Executive to elaborate the
details of provisions that would be covered and to stress the
importance of compliance in this area.
Regulation 18 implementing Article 29
- competitive dialogue
The consultation document (3.2.5 Page 9) states:
"the final text for this Article was achieved after lengthy
negotiation and lobbying, with the UK's aim being that the procedure
should fit as much as possible with UK best practice on the award
of PFI and PPP contracts".
UNISON believes that contrary to the Executive's
claims, there is substantial evidence showing that PFI has not
offered either value for money or, quality employment conditions
and protections. UNISON is aware of many PFI schemes which do
not present a ‘best practice' development in the provision of
public services or in public contracting across Europe and should
not be portrayed as such. In addition in Scotland we have different
approaches to PPP procurement as set out in the Scottish Executive
PPP Protocol. As this section of the consultation paper is a direct
lift from the OGC consultation it is unclear if this is regarded
as "UK best practice".
Regulation 45 implementing Article
25 -information on sub-contracting
UNISON is disappointed that the Executive did not
take the opportunity, as we stated last year, to transpose Article
25 of the Public Sector Directive as mandatory rather than optional,
i.e. that a contracting authority must ask tenderers
to indicate any share of the contract s/he may intend to sub-contract
to third parties. UNISON would like to see a clear obligation
in Regulation 45 requiring sub-contractors to comply with the
social, employment and environmental provision of the legislation
and related laws, including protections under collective agreements.
It will be particularly important for the contracting
authorities to have knowledge of the primary provider's plans
for sub-contracting in order to comply with the PPP Protocol and
draft s52 guidance. It would also support any future policies
or legislation designed to tackle the two-tier workforce and promote
a fair wages/fair employment agenda, which would be consistent
with UK government and Scottish Executive policy. It is unclear
how this alleged ‘flexibility' squares with the devolved responsibility
for procurement decisions as claimed in the consultation paper
Regulation 38 implementing Article
27 - obligations relating to taxes, environmental protection,
employment protection provisions and working conditions
UNISON remains of the view that Regulation 38 should
transpose Article 27 of the new Directive in full as mandatory
rather than at contracting authorities' discretion. If contracting
authorities were required to state in contract documents where
tenderers can get information on these obligations, they would
have to ask tenderers to show that they have taken them into account
during the contract award procedure. Such a requirement would
strengthen legislation and statutory and policy guidance already
in place such as the PPP Protocol and any other such Codes of
Practice that may be agreed. It would also support any future
policies or legislation designed to tackle the two-tier workforce
and promote a fair wages/fair employment agenda which would be
consistent with UK government and Scottish Executive policy.
Regulation 19 implementing Article
32- framework agreements
As stated in our previous response, UNISON is concerned
about the potential lack of transparency of framework agreements
which allows contracting authorities to call-off contracts without
the need to go out to tender for each contract and advertise in
the Official Journal of the European Union. Currently, when such
framework agreements are made, employees are left in an uncertain
position, not knowing if or when their service will be contracted
out and their employment transferred to a service provider. It
also raises difficulties regarding compliance with TUPE legislation
and the PPP Protocol.
UNISON notes that the OGC intends to update their
existing guidance on framework agreements and considers that such
guidance should require contracting authorities to ensure that
trade unions and staff are consulted and involved in good time
before each call-off contract is entered into under framework
Regulation 21 implementing Article 54
- electronic auctions
UNISON recognises the efficiency and effectiveness
of the use of electronic auctions (e-auctions) for purchasing
supplies and goods. However UNISON wishes to see the Executive
make it clear to contracting authorities, in the regulations and
accompanying guidance, that the use of e-auctions is inappropriate
and should not be used for contracts involving the transfer of
staff. The use of electronic auctions in such circumstances could
result in pushing down wage rates and other terms and conditions
of employment. It is also likely that it would contravene the
Acquired Rights Directive 2001 and the Transfer of Undertakings
and Protection of Employment Regulations. UNISON notes that the
UK e-Procurement Project has included labour-intensive services
as well as the purchase of supply and goods in a list of viable
categories for e-auction. This list includes cleaning services,
grounds maintenance and staffing/temporary recruitment. UNISON
believes that e- auctions should also not be used for purchasing
services which are labour-intensive for the same reason that it
should not be used for services involving the transfer of staff
i.e. that there is a risk of pushing down wage rates and other
terms and conditions of employment for those staff in services
which are procured using e-auctions. The Executive should therefore
also state in the regulation and accompanying guidance that e-auctions
should not be used for the procurement of labour-intensive services.
Regulation 30 implementing Article 53
-contract award criteria
UNISON is aware that the Executive has pointed out
in the consultation document (3.3.8) that under Regulation 30 the
Government has "copied out the part of Article 53 that states
that the most economically advantageous tender should be ‘from the
point of view of the contracting authority'". UNISON welcomes
this acknowledgement that the award criteria do offer scope
to include social and employment considerations as long as they
are deemed most economically advantageous ‘from the point of view
of the contracting authority'. However UNISON believes that Regulation
30 should be amended to make it clear that social factors can be
permissible award criteria. The Executive should also include in
Regulation 30, supporting reference to Recital 1 and 46 of the Public
Sector Procurement Directive. Regulation 30 (2) should simply be
amended by inserting "social and" in the third line. This
would read as follows:
"A contracting authority shall use criteria linked
to the subject matter of the contract to determine that an offer
is the most economically advantageous including quality, price,
technical merit, aesthetic and functional characteristics, social
and environmental characteristics, running costs, cost effectiveness,
after sales service, technical assistance, delivery date and delivery
period and period of completion".
Furthermore the Regulations and the accompanying guidance
to the Regulations should advise that the list on possible considerations
in Regulation 30 includes social criteria and is not exhaustive.
8. Regulation 30(6) Implementing Article 55-Abnormally
Low Tenders
UNISON believes that Regulation 30(6) on Abnormally
Low Tenders does not reflect the prominence given to this in the
Directive where it is covered as a separate Article (55) in its
own right. This is a significant change from the EU Directive text.
UNISON believes that Article 55 should be transposed in full as
a separate Regulation point. The Regulation should provide for a
clear focus and importance to be given to compliance with employment
protection and working conditions, as is the case in the EU Directive.
The social issues guidance accompanying the Regulations should also
include full details of the significance of this point.
Regulation 39 Implementing Article 26-
Conditions of performance of contracts
The proposed transposition of Article 26 of the Directive
does not take account of the clarification provided for by Recitals
1 and 33 of the Directive. Therefore Regulation 39 should be amended
in line with the wording in Recitals 1 and 33 of the Directive to
make it clear that the social and environmental considerations that
may be included as conditions of contract include provisions on:
on-site vocational training
the employment of people experiencing particular
difficulty in achieving integration
the fight against unemployment, or
the protection of the environment
a requirement to recruit long-term job-seekers,
to implement training measures for the unemployed or young
persons and to recruit more disabled persons than are required
under national legislation.
International Labour Organisation (ILO)
Recital 33 specifically mentions compliance with "the
provisions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Conventions,
assuming that such provisions have not been implemented in national
law". UNISON would like to see this implemented as an obligation
rather than a choice. Again, this would support Executive policy
on the two-tier workforce.
In conclusion we believe that the consultation paper
and draft regulations are drafted in a narrow and negative way and
fail to take full advantage of positive EU procurement developments
such as Recital 33 and decisions of the European Court. In view
of recent Scottish experience (Ferguson's etc.) there is no merit
or requirement for Scotland to slavishly follow the OGC's approach.
This is an opportunity for the Scottish Executive to send a positive
message about their commitment to using public procurement to secure
Scottish employment.
For Further Information Please Contact:
Matt Smith, Scottish Secretary
14, West Campbell Street,
Glasgow G2 6RX
Tel 0845 355 0845 Fax 0141 342 2835
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