Steve Gray |
UNISON called for a mass housing investment programme,
building new and refurbishing old housing provision,
financed from increases in progressive taxes.
Steve Gray, Aberdeenshire UNISON, told Conference:
“Homes are for people not profits! Putting profits
before people has resulted in the national housing crisis
that affects UNISON members and other people on low
incomes to middle incomes.”
He described the desperately short supply of affordable
housing and how this marginalises people, breaks up
families and ruins communities. “Housing that
is affordable, secure, fit for purpose and responsive
to the needs of local communities is essential to a
Fair Society.”
Steve explained that a 21st century public led house
building programme could deliver similar benefits to
those of the 1930’s Council House programme –
providing jobs as well as housing, helping economic
recovery, revitalising local communities and offering
hope to millions for a better, healthier life.
“We need to bury Thatcher’s Legacy with
a new generation of Council housing built by the people
for the people.”