Stephen Smellie |
Susan Kennedy |
Jim Main |
Delegates slammed the Coalition government’s
“slash and burn” responses to the economic
crisis, with attacks on pay and terms and conditions
and growing privatisation creating a low wage economy,
job insecurity and undermining employment rights.
It called for UNISON to stay at the forefront of the
opposition to these attacks, with a range of measures
including building on our living wage campaign.
Supporting Northern’s motion, Scotland Regional
Delegate, Stephen Smellie moved an amendment calling
for the living wage campaign to be extended, to press
councils and the Scottish government to use their procurement
policies to make sure that these employers also pay
their workers the living wage.
Stephen highlighted the trend over the last 30 years
of less and less of the wealth of the country being
paid in wages to workers and more and more going to
the profits and bonuses of bankers and investors.
“The lower rates in Scottish Local Government
are around the national minimum poverty wage - a scandal
which this union has to address with vigour and which
in Scotland we hope to be leading industrial action
“The Living Wage campaigns are a significant
start,” said Stephen, “but they only apply
to in-house staff. We need to turn our attention to
procurement for contracting. Councils are procuring
services in the full knowledge that workers will be
paid national minimum poverty wages, often on zero hours
contracts. This is a publicly funded wages scandal,”
slammed Stephen.
Scottish councils cite legal advice from the Scottish
Government who cite European advice that they cannot
determine rates of pay in external contractors. “This
is nonsense,” said Stephen. “This is not
a legal matter it is a political matter,” calling
for fairness and justice for the lowest paid in society.
Aberdeenshire’s Susan Kennedy told delegates
that Aberdeenshire branch has staved off privatisation
and has successfully negotiated a Scottish 'Living Wage'
for all local authority employees including Modern Apprentices
and is looking to see this assimilate into the pay scales.
Susan said, “We believe we have achieved what
we have now by being prepared to negotiate, by involving
our members and being publicly visible. We've been seen
to be keen negotiators by using all the tools available
to us, making sure all our members know what it means
to them and letting the public know how these changes
can either benefit or disadvantage their lives.
“We applaud NHS Scotland for their success in
achieving the 'Living Wage' across all 32 authorities,
and believe that this amendment and its substantive
motion will further help many more branches achieve
the same.”
Jim Main of Glasgow City told Glasgow of his branch’s
campaign, uniting their members with day centre users
and carers to stop the closure of three day centres
under the guise of personalisation; and supporting anti-bedroom
tax campaigners.
But he warned, “We really need to raise our game,
because if we don’t defend our members, give hope,
things could turn to despair. We have to fight like