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Manchester 2011


National Delegate Conference 21-24 June 2011

Let's defend workers' rights and improve our ability to do so

Brian Smith
Brian Smith

UNISON will vigorously oppose the Condem Government's plans to further deteriorate trade union rights.

As this Government attacks public services, public service workers, their pay and conditions and their pensions, it is even more important that the we can maintain rights at work, and indeed repeal the anti-trade union laws that were introduced over the years of Tory rule.

Government plans threaten the very right to strike in the public sector.

Also included in the proposals are increasing the qualification period for unfair dismissal from one year to two years, exempting small businesses from employment regulations and introducing up front tribunal fees.

Brian Smith, Glasgow City Council, harked back to Nye Bevan, the NHS's true founder, “Tories don't talk about class war, as they are too busy waging it.”

So what has changed? Brian questioned what Labour had done to redress the damage the Tories had done previously.

He slammed the Government's current plans to slash trade union rights, “The right to strike is a central weapon of the working class against the state - it is a fundamental right.

“The working class and the trade unions still have the power to change society. Let's defend workers' rights and improve our ability to do so”

