National Delegate Conference 21-24 June
'Get organised and stay strong' in the Private and Community
Elaine Duffy
Conference backed a call to support members in the private and
community sector with 14 recommendations and suggestions to branches
and regions, along with a national strategy for representating
of a fragmented workforce.
Some branches were finding it "difficult to support people in
these sectors", sometimes having to deal with 150 employers.
Steven Brown of Quarriers graphically outlined the problem of
organising a branch of "600 members, from Elgin to Bath, with
10 stewards".
But Elaine Duffy, from Scottish Electricty Branch, also had a
positive organising lesson to tell conference.
She told delegates how her job had been privatised in 1990, then
outsourced to an American company in 2000.
"Although I hade been a union member then for 20 years and
had partcipated in meetings and industrial action, I had managed
to avoid being an activist."
But like so many of us, she found herself 'volunteering' to be
a steward.
"When I became a steward in 2011 we had gone from 100% density
as a previous closed shop to 40%", explained Elaine.
People were being persuaded on to personal contracts, giving
up their union membership and collective bargaining rights. But
10 years after outsourcing, the union has organised and rebuilt.
"We have retained all the terms and conditions we had transferred
on and we've negotiated some improvements. We have an above infaltion
pay rise every year bar one. We negotiated a grading worth over
£8,000 to 59% of our members", said Elaine.
Six years ago members voted by 80% for action over pay and gave
their negotiators the strength to get the employer to back down.
"Five years ago, I didn't have a holiday as all my holidayes
were used on trade union duties", said Elaine. "This
week I am attending Conference on full facility time a now we
havce a facilities agreement that alows members to participate
fully in regional and national activities and self organised groups".
With 80% density now, the branch is looking to extend the scope
of collective bargaining.
One the reasons for this success was the local joint bargaining
committees called for in the motion
"When we were outsourced our members covered two branches",
said Elaine. One was in Scotland and the other in the North East.
"The first thing we did was to get together and set up a
joint bargaining committee... We work together, we learn from
each other and we are stronger as a result.
"We have not had it easy since we were outsourced",
Elaine told delegates. "I am just concluding my fourth TUPE
transfer. But we are stronger than ever. Learn from very difficult
experiences, get organised and stay strong!"