National Delegate Conference 21-24 June
“Now it’s time to fight”, says President
Angela Lynes
UNISON President, Angela Lynes, from Glasgow, called on delegates
to join together to fight the cuts during her speech to the union’s
national delegate conference yesterday.
Scotland was proud to welcome their very own UNISON National
President, Angela Lynes. It was in 1991, that Angela spoke up
at a union meeting in Glasgow, and she has never looked back.
Someone to contend with - Angela told us that someone once said,
"you wouldn't like to take a burst pay packet home to her", it
wasn't long before she was baptised by fire, as a branch secretary
of 15 thousand members, having to face an unofficial and ultimately
successful strike of three thousand social workers.
It was thanks to her experiences at the Glasgow City Branch and
the support from her colleagues, and of course, her family, that
Angela was able to rise to the challenges of being the union's
Angela gave a particular thankyou to Lizzie Ross, Glasgow's Branch
administrator, who sadly passed away. "If Lizzie didn't know something,
it simply wasn't worth knowing. The Branch will never be the same
without her."
It hadn't sunk in until today, that Angela really was President
of a union with 1.4 million members. Some of the highlights of
Angela's year as President, were her visits to South Africa and
Palestine. It had been a lifetime ambition for Angela to go to
Palestine - "It was a real eye-opener. You can't really comprehend
what the people are going through, until you see it for yourself."
Angela had also joined a White Line Picket in Belfast. It was
only after the event, that she was advised that this was indeed
illegal, but it was ok because the local activists did have experience
of taking food parcels to prisoners! Slamming the Government’s
attacks on our members, Angela said "These attacks are unprecedented.
On pensions a triple whammy - Pay More.. Work Longer - Get Less."
"Unemployment is huge, homelessness is getting worse, and inflation
is spiralling."
Angela was incredulous at the Government's continued headlong
rush to privatise public services, in spite of the recent abuse
at a private hospital in Bristol, exposed by Panorama; in spite
of the precarious situation three thousand vulnerable people find
themselves in due to the financial practices of private care provider
Southern Cross.
“This is more a sick society than a big society," she said Angela
recognised the work that had been done by the union to campaign
against the Cuts, and the Million Voices Campaign and described
the massive anti-cuts demonstration in London as "my proudest
moment to lead the off the march with Dave Prentis, - purple and
green for as far as the eye can see.
“Last year I said never show your fear, show your fight - this
year it's now the time to fight."
Make a child smile - The President's Charity
Angela recognised the good work that Public Services do for children
from low-paid families or underprivileged background and the limited
resources they have. She urged delegates to play a part through
The Make a Child Smile Project by making sure that that children
can have some positive memories of their childhood. That's why
Angela is asking branches and regions to support her Make A Child
Smile Project - Cheques should be made payable to: UNISON Welfare
(Make a Child Smile Appeal) and sent to UNISON Welfare, 1 Mabledon
Place, London, WC1H 9AJ