National Delegate Conference 15-18 June
Young members are our future
Graham Smith
Lily McNaughton
Scotland's young and not so young came together to urge conference
to support young people out of unemployment and into apprenticeships
and higher and further education.
UNISON will press for high quality apprenticeships and will campaign
to combat cuts in higher and further education and to recruit
and organise students on public service courses.
Supporting the National Young Members' Forum motion, Graham Smith
told conference that in Scotland we have seen youth unemployment
figures soar by 90% over the last 2 years.
"We urgently need well-paid apprenticeships on the full national
minimum wage and not the paltry £2.50 proposed," Graham said,
warning however, that these jobs should not replace existing staff
as a cheap option.
He told Conference that it was even more important to defend
the rights of apprentices and students on public service courses
in further and higher education as we face an ideological onslaught
from the Tories.
"We need to show them now that their union will stand alongside
them throughout their working life," said Graham.
Lily McNaughton, representing Scotland's retired members spoke
up on behalf of young people, and received received warm applause
when she paraphrased Whitney Houston:
"I believe young members are our future. Teach them well and
let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside.
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier."