National Delegate Conference 15-18 June
Benefits and challenges of devolution
Mike Kirby
Delegates agreed that doing things differently in devolved countries
helps the union promote models of best practice in campaigning,
organising and bargaining when they discussed the benefits and
challenges of devolution.
Moving the composite, Scotland's Mike Kirby said that devolution
leads to demands on union resources, not least because of the
number of members in Scotland and Wales working for services which
are devolved:
· in bargaining, only a minority of members in Scotland and Wales
are part of UK-wide negotiating structures;
· in policy development, UNISON Scotland and UNISON Cymru/Wales
have to deal with separate legislative and administrative systems,
responding to increasing amounts of new legislation;
· UNISON Scotland has to deal with a separate legal system;
· UK campaigning material is often unsuitable for use in Scotland
and Wales. Similar issues are also faced in Northern Ireland.
Mike said, "What must concern us as a UK trade union is how do
we position ourselves for what's to come in terms of the future
governance of the areas where this trade union organises."
He added, "This motion is not about the celtic fringes. It is
about maintaining an understanding, capacity and integrity to
best work for our members and the public services they provide."
Conference noted the need for joint working and effective communication,
and agreed that the NEC consider greater resourcing of bargaining,
legal, communication and policy development resources in the devolved
territories. The NEC will also explore how best to disseminate
best practice across the union.