National Delegate Conference 15-18 June
Better support for activists
Irene Heggie
Delegates set out a four-point plan to recruit and support activists
over the next year with a report to come to Conference 2011.
The plan included an call from Edinburgh's Irene Heggie to lobby
for statutory rights to time off for stewards similar to the arrangements
for Health and Safety reps.
"It is difficult enough to recruit stewards but by ofering
them comprehensive training and support, they will quickly gain
confidence to deal with members' cases", said Irene.
"And by facilitating time off to attend meetings they will
have contact with other stewards".
"By implementing these procedures, this will help allevate
the burden put upon Branch ecretaries and other Branch Officers",
added Irene in her first ever speech to Conference.
The four-point plan includes:
- using the branch and region assessment procedure to build supports
for officers with targeted training for exisiting officers and
new activists, aong with a lobby for statutory time-off for stewards.
- amend the constitution if needed to maximise benefits to acti
vists and the union and report on this next year
- monitor levels of increased participation in under-represented
- reports for 2011 from all regions on progress.