National Delegate Conference 16-19 June
Disabled people disproportionately affected by recession
Mary Platt
During a recession, disabled people face greater hardship than
non-disabled people and conference committed UNISON to continuing
its work to protect disabled people from further poverty caused
by the recession and discrimination; and to make sure that it
promotes a disability perspective in its campaigning work on this
First time delegate and speaker Mary Platt from South Ayrshire,
spoke of her own experience as a disabled person in employment.
"You may not believe it but I remember the last recession in
the 70s and there was discrimination even then," she said and
described how, as a young trainee back then she was asked if she
would live long enough to complete her traineeship.
"I've been a union member all my working life, and it was management
attitudes to disability that made me become active, to give all
groups in the workplace a voice."
Mary told delegates that during a recession disabled members
are disproportionally targeted through capability policies or
ill-health retrial which breaches the Disability Discrimination
Act and the Equality Act, and she urged delegates to back the