National Delegate Conference 16-19 June
Standing up for public service workers and users
Lilian Macer
Angela Lynes
Public service employment has a critical role in stabilizing
the economy and counteracting the effects of the recession.
Conference condemned the cuts in public services and rejected
attempts by the Tories and the Taxpayers Alliance to set public
sector worker against private sector worker.
Moving the composite on behalf of Scotland Region, Lilian Macer
told conference that Scottish Region brought this issue to conference
to stand up for the users of public services; to stand up for
public service workers who glue our society together and who fight
the decimation of essential services as a knee jerk reaction to
sudden economic crisis.
"The public sector has never failed the country to the extent
that the financial services sector has, and yet we face attack
and denigration in the media by the voices of the right.
"We invest in communities and our members keep communities going
every single day. Our members, our nursing assistants and home
helps, spend what little money they have in local communities.
Collectively public sector employment and the public sector pay
bill is a stimulant to the economy and not a drain."
Angela Lynes, speaking for the NEC, said that defending jobs
is one of the most fundamental roles of a trade union, but opposing
cuts in public service employment is a crucial issue for UNISON's
campaign for a fairer society and a stronger economy.
Angela warned that the prospect of even more severe cuts to public
spending over the years ahead could mean public service job losses
on an unprecedented scale.
"The government will say that this is essential to save money
and balance budgets. But cutting public services is ultimately
a false economy.The economic and social costs are far higher than
the savings on the pay bill.
"You have more people on employment benefits; you've taken spending
power out of local economies and you've undermined your ability
to help people through this recession and back to work," said
Angela, calling on "every sector, every service to organise to
oppose redundancies and support public service employment."