National Delegate Conference 17-20 June
Funding formula agreed to fight for equal pay
by Kate Ramsden

Chris Stephens

Fiona Smith
Conference threw its weight behind Glasgow City's proposals for
funding the challenge of securing equal pay for all our members
and reaffirmed this as one of the union's founding principles.
In a closed session, conference debated the principles and the
practicalities of meeting the substantial costs to UNISON. It agreed
a formula for funding which ensures that all branches play their
part and held to Glasgow's proposals to support less well off branches
on a case by case basis.
Chris Stephens from Glasgow City Branch told SiU that Glasgow City
had employed a three pronged attack to fighting for equal pay: negotiation,
litigation and industrial action.
He thanked all the branches from all sections of the union who
supported their action. "This inspired members to carry on and win
the dispute," he said. "Our funding formula is geared to be universal;
to protect branches, to support branches, especially the smaller
ones and to ensure continued funding.
"It will be a long road and we will need patience. Let's leave
this conference with a clear decision and a clear mandate so that
we can go back to our branches with confidence." Fiona Smith, Scottish
NEC member, commented that the NEC was happy to increase its allocation
to £4.5 million. However, she warned that this does not overtake
the need for branches to contribute.
"It is only through a collective approach from UNISON that we can
resource the challenge that we face in securing equal pay for our
Supporting this move, Fiona said it should be in the knowledge
that, rather than replacing the branch contribution, it will instead
see our equal pay fund growing strong to support the vital work
of branches, activists and officers.