National Delegate Conference 19-22 June
Campaign for statutory definition of violence against women
Katrina Murray
Conference called for a statutory definition of violence against
women as a step towards eliminating domestic violence. One in four
women in Britain will experence domestic violence in their lives,
and it is now the second biggest category of violent crime - with
13 million incidents each year.
While as many as 80,000 women are raped each year, conviction for
rape has dropped to 5.3%, the lowest for 30 years. "What we must
never forget is that every single one of those statistics represents
a woman's life, and behind every number is a woman with a story
of abuse and violence to tell, said Cath Elliot of the national
woman's committee.
Scotland's Katrina Murray welcomed Cath's 'eloquent' words and
stressed, "We need a stautory definition of violence against
women - all gender based violence", she said. "Without
a statutory definition, organisations, courts and juries have to
make their own".
"Some of them are progressive - such as the Glasgow Community
Safety Partnership who manage the Glasgow 'Routes out of Prostitution'
partnership recognising that prostitiution is an of gender based
violence against women.
"Others are less progressive like the courts and juries who
year on year convict fewer rapists", said Katrina.
"Without a definition we don't have a blank page. We have
all of our prejudices, our perceptions of a victim of a crime",
added Katrina.
Guest speaker Baroness Scotland, minister of state for the criminal
justice system and law reform, said both employers and trade unions
had a key role to play in combating "this pernicious crime, not
least because many perpetrators of domestic violence "have stalked,
harassed and murdered their victims in the workplace.
Conference also heard moving stories from speakers' first hand