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National Delegate Conference 19-22 June 2007

32,000 Cuban health workers bring aid to 72 countries "Support an inspiration to Cuban people"

Cuban field hospital Pakistan
Cuban field hospital in Muffazzarabad treats 600 patients day

Inspiration goes both ways. As Dr Juan Carlos Dupuy Nunez thanked UNISON for its support - "a source of inspiration for the Cuban people" - a standing ovation from Local Government delegates showed how inspired they were by him.

Juan Carlos led the 2,465 strong Cuban Henry Reeve medical brigade into Pakistan following the earthquake in October 2005. They took 32 field hospitals to the most remote areas in the mountains.

"We stayed there for seven months and treated 1.7 million patients - 73% of the medically assisted cases", said Juan Carlos. Because 51% of the workers were women, they were able to treat many more female patients.

Dr Juan Carlos Dupuy Nunez
Dr Juan Carlos Dupuy Nunez

"Many people ask why do Cubans do this? For me, the answer is simple. Health, education and internationalism are at the heart of our system and what we believe", explained Juan Carlos. "If you can help people who need help and you are able to - then why not?".

Fidel Castro first set up the Henry Reeve brigade to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina in the southern states of the USA in 2005. Juan Carlos was with a team of 1,500 volunteers with medicines and supplies, ready to fly to the US.

"But, sadly, as you probably heard, President Bush never accepted our offer of help", said Juan Carlos.

There are 12,000 students from 28 countries studying medicine free in Cuba and 54,000 studying throughout the world. Working with Venezuela they aim to train 200,000 more in the next 10 years. "And please don't tell President Bush, but we are also currently training about 90 students from the poorest communities in the US”, added Juan Carlos.

Cuba will survive On 1 January 2009, Cuba will celebate 50 years of its revolution. "Cuba has survived so much in 48 years - and whatever happens to Fidel we will continue to survive”, said Juan Carlos.

"From day one we have struggled against so many attempts to destroy us”. l The longest economic blockade in history, imposed illegally by the US l They have been invaded l l3,500 Cubans have died in terrorist attacks l the collapse of former trading partners in the Soviet Union.

"It is testament to the Cuban people - our young people, our women, our trade unions, our veterans, our leaders that we today are stronger than ever”, he added.

"We survive as well because of the solidarity we in turn receive from countries all over the globe.

"From the days when you sent containers of aid, materials for hospitals and schools, ambulances and buses through to today, when UNISON together with the Cuba Solidarity Campaign is at the forefront in building political solidarity and friendship links between your regions and our unions.

"Your solidarity - and your work helping to tell the truth about our country, are vital to us and a source of inspiration for the Cuban people.”

"We hope you will stand with us so that we can continue to send our doctors and health workers around the world wherever the need is greatest”, said Juan Carlos

"It is with sincere gratitude on behalf of the Cuban people that I praise your work and all your efforts on our behalf - with your support Cuba will survive and we will continue to show that another world is possible”.
