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Scottish Council 12 April 2003

War almost over, but it doesn't make it right

War in Iraq, what a tragedy. The fact that it is coming to an end does not make it right - it was wrong.

These were the words of respected international campaigner and NEC member John McFadden in his retiral speech at Scottish Council, the meeting of Scottish UNISON branches on 12 April.

UNISON issued a statement on 7 April standing by its position that any military action without the explicit authority of the United Nations Security Council would be unjustifiable, against international law and the requirements of the UN Charter.

However, it recognised that once war began, many UNISON members were directly involved in the military action or have family amongst the British armed forces. Many others are directly involved in supporting the war effort including treating the injured.

All effort should now be concentrated on maintaining the safety of the British troops and avoiding further casualties.

The statement calls on the Government to:-

  • Reopen diplomatic discussions to achieve an urgent solution to the Iraqi crisis.

  • Commit to a UN solution and take steps to rebuild
    confidence in the authority of the UN.

  • Work through the UN to deliver an extensive package of humanitarian aid to Iraq.

  • Disassociate from the US's stated aim to unilaterally take control of the reconstruction of Iraq, and instead insist the UN should oversee this.

  • Make urgent plans to hand over the post war civil administration either to a UN interim government or to an elected coalition of the democratic forces which oppose Saddam Hussein.

  • Make every effort to rebuild relations with our European partners to ensure their full support and involvement in rebuilding Iraq and the humanitarian aid programme.

  • Ensure immediate publication of the ‘Road Map' to peace including the creation of a viable Palestinian state based on 1967 borders.

See the full statement at www.unison.org.uk/international/news_view.asp?did=738