Congress threw its weight behind a wide
ranging Composite, spearheaded by UNISON,
and pledged to campaign for more social
homes, especially for young people, through
lobbying politicians and working to ensure
young people and tenants know their rights.
The STUC will also press the UK and Scottish
Government to reverse cuts in public spending,
create jobs, invest in affordable and
social housing and regulate the private
rented sector.
Scottish Convener, Lilian Macer told
Congress that the snappily titled “Housing,
Good Services, Decent Welfare and Young
People” could just as easily have
been shortened to “decency, dignity
and respect.”
“Because this composite is about
ensuring a level of decency, dignity and
yes, respect for our young people. Whatever
their age, whatever their capacity to
work, whatever their family circumstances.”
She condemned a media, “much of
it owned by tax dodgers,” that blames
“our people for the mess caused
by a combination of bankers and greed,”
and told delegates.
"This composite is about exposing
austerity for what it is.. an attack on
human decency", said Lilian. "and
it sets out some of the measures we'll
need to take on the road to recovery."
"Scotland has a housing crisis.
there are over 180,000 people on local
authority waiting lists alone."
While there has been great focus on the
bedroom tax, the fact is that almost 60,000
homes are overcrowded, most of these are
children and families.
"Building more social housing was
the solution for the housing crisis after
the second World War - and it is the obvious
choice now", said Lilian.
"Building social housing means people
gain through improved housing choice.
And we all gain from the reduction in
housing benefit bills and income from
rents to local authorities can be reinvested".