Lay edited bi-monthly bulletin for 5,000 activists
in Scotland |
June 2009
No 79 |
Vote to keep out the politics of hate:
European elections 4 June - Why we need to vote
At a time when people are more
disillusioned with politicians than ever before, it would
be easy to say ‘a plague on all their houses’ and vote for
none of them. But the danger is that a vote for nobody could
end up being a vote for the BNP on 4 June. ‘So make sure
you vote - and vote against the BNP’, is UNISON’s message.
Union Friday - successful day of anti-BNP
UNISON members and supporters, along with
the STUC and other unions were out in force across Scotland
on Union Friday 15 May with the message: “Stop the BNP -
use your vote against the fascists in the European elections
on 4 June.”
Public sector pay threats intensify
Attempts by some members of the media
and big business interests to take advantage of the current
economic turmoil to attack public service workers, have
unfortunately been picked up by Scottish politicians.
Shetland backs single status deal
UNISON members have voted overwhelmingly
to accept Shetland Islands Council’s Single Status pay offer.
90% voted to accept in a 50% ballot return.
Gearing up for Conference
Around 2,000 UNISON branch, region and
self organised group delegates will descend on Brighton
from 16 June for UNISON’s National Conference.
Minister: Collaboration in Health Service
better than competition
Nicola Sturgeon MSP became a regular feature
at UNISON’s 2009 Health Conferences. At both UNISON’s Scottish
and the UK Health Conferences she made significant contributions.
Personal assistants and direct payments
research goes on the road
Landmark research into the employment of
Personal Assistants (PAs) through Direct Payments is about
to be launched through a series of seminars across Scotland
in June.
UNISON backs Scottish Refugee Week
- can you help?
Scottish Refugee Week takes place 15 -
22 June, and UNISON Scotland will be playing a major part
as part of its anti-racism strategy.
Campaign for a Scottish Living Wage
The campaign for a ‘Living Wage’ in Scotland of at least
£7 per hour was launched on 5 May in Dalmarnock, Glasgow
- the community which will be at the heart of the Commonwealth
Games in 2014.
Climate Change and the labour movement
How can the labour movement best respond
to climate change and build social justice and sustainability?
That’s the focus of an important event on June 20 that aims
to set up a new network in the Scottish labour movement.
Scotland hosts Health colleagues from
UK nations in devolution seminar Ten
years after devolution in Scotland, representatives of UNISON’s
Health Service Group from England, Wales and Northern Ireland
joined members of the Scottish Health Committee at their
AGM and Policy Seminar in Edinburgh.
Protest at child detention
As we went to press, UNISON Scotland was
protesting to the government about the detention of an asylum
seeking mother and her traumatised four-year-old child in
Which Way to Equal Pay? - UNISON launches
national advert campaign UNISON
Scotland has launched a campaign to highlight the consequences
for workers who have been drawn to so-called “No Win No
Fee” solicitors.
Sign up now for new UNISON Scotland
The new activist training programme kicked
off in April this year and the courses are filling up fast.
There are courses available to suit all stewards and representatives
regardless of your experience, as long as you meet the minimum
criteria for the course.
Green UNISON Day - 5 June
UNISON has designated World Environment
Day (WED) on June 5 2009, as ‘Green UNISON Day’. Actions
have been arranged for UNISON offices around the UK, including
in Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Inverness.
Call for official Workers’ Memorial
After the biggest participation yet in
Workers Memorial Day on 28 April, UNISON has again called
for the government to recognise the Day officially.
Updating political strategy for campaigns
UNISON Scotland is beginning to frame ‘key
asks’ for the next Scottish Parliament elections - and is
seeking the views of branches, service groups and activists
like you to help influence the next government of Scotland.
Scotland NHS credit union
The Scottish Health Conference also heralded
the roll-out of the credit union originally established
in Glasgow’s Southern General Hospital by Robert Rae (Regional
Organiser) and others. This CU will now be available to
all NHS staff in Scotland!
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