Gearing up for Conference
Around 2,000 UNISON branch, region and self organised group
delegates will descend on Brighton from 16 June for UNISON’s
National Conference.
The economic crisis, pensions, public services, new UNISON
structures, equal pay and the NHS are likely to top the
agenda along with international issues.
The Conference is the union’s supreme policy making body.
Scottish Branches have a fair number of motions on the agenda
and look set to form key national policies again.
Delegates will soon get a briefing on Scottish policies
and special Conference pack from the Scottish Communications
and Campaigns Committee, along with briefings on all the
main issues throughout the week.
While Health members had their own service group conference
in April, many other services (like Local Government) will
also have their own conferences just before the National
Look out for reports on Scotland’s involvement at
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