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million voices for change - PUBLIC WORKS!
Million Voices



Our public services are the most efficient way to deliver the things we need. You use public services every day and you get enormous value for what you pay. Here’s how...



4.30pm After shopping you call in to the NHS mobile clinic in the supermarket car park. There you have a mammogram as part of the NHS programme to support early detection and treatment of cancers.

Like all screening programmes, not only does this increase your chances of surviving any illness that is detected, it saves money as prevention is much cheaper than cure.





We'd like to hear how public services help you every day. We'd like to use good stories and the best will be made into a video which will be available online.

Click here to add your Day in the Life
(opens in a new page)



© UNISONScotland
Published by UNISONScotland,
UNISON House, 14 West Campbell Street,
Glasgow G2 6RX Tel 0845 355 0845