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  Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender members
Equalities Index




Please note: The constitution will be updated to reflect the new Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender committee.

UNISON Scotland Lesbian & Gay Committee



The name of the Group will be the UNISON Scotland Lesbian and Gay Committee. The Committee shall be a working and campaigning committee of the Scottish Region of UNISON the Public Service Union.


1 Objectives

1.1 To work as an organised body against discriminatory practices towards lesbians and gay men and promote positive action on Lesbian and Gay issues, recognising particular issues for black and disabled lesbian and gay members.

1.2 To campaign for increased participation and influence of lesbian and gay members within UNISON in particular, and the trade union movement in general, and to ensure adequate representation at all levels.

1.3 To take up any issues that affect the lesbian and gay membership generally, for example, harassment, prejudice, heterosexism, employment policy issues, lesbian and gay employment rights.

1.4 To develop links with other lesbian and gay agencies, organisations and within the wider Labour and trade union movement.

1.5 To assist in achieving UNISON objectives of proportionality and fair representation in all the union's structures.

1.6 To ensure the provision of training and education to meet the particular needs of lesbian and gay members and to promote education for all Scottish Region UNISON members on lesbian and gay issues.

1.7 To encourage Branches to develop self organised lesbian and gay groups

1.8 to develop publicity and campaigning material aimed at involving lesbian and gay members in the Region.

1.9 To offer advice and assistance to Branches and Service Group Committees to help negotiate improvements for lesbians and gay men in employment and ensure that all UNISON members are aware of lesbian and gay rights and issues.

2 Membership

2.1 The Committee is elected at an Annual Conference which is open to all lesbian and gay members throughout the Scottish Region AGM and will aim to encompass fair representation in terms of gender, geography, service/section groups, black members and disabled members.


2.2 A confidential list of members of the Committee will be kept by the Servicing Officer and Officers of the Committee


3 Organisation

3.1 The Annual General Meeting and Annual Conference will be held in accordance with the timetable determined by the National Lesbian and Gay Conference.

3.2 The AGM/Annual Conference shall elect a representative Committee who will nominate members to all appropriate levels within UNISON, by the following procedures:

(i) Service/Sector Group meetings, the Black caucus, Youth, Retired and Disabled Members caucuses are each entitled to elect one lesbian and one gay man to represent them on the Committee.

(ii) Local Government and Health, because of their size, are entitled to elect two each.

(iii) The Men's and Women's caucuses can put forward names for the open elections (6 women; 6 men) attempting to ensure fair representation and geographical representation, reflecting the diversity of the Scottish membership.

(iv) Voting shall be by secret ballot.

3.3 The Scottish Lesbian and Gay Committee shall elect:-

(i) Co-convenors (1 lesbian; 1 gay man).

(ii) Secretary

(iii) A lesbian and gay man as representatives to National Lesbian & Gay Committee.

(iv) Representatives (1 lesbian; 1 gay man) to the Scottish Council.

(v) Representative to the Scottish Committee.

(vi) Representatives to the Scottish Education & Training Committee.

(vii) Representative to the Scottish Communications & Campaign Committee.

(viii) Representative to the Scottish International Committee.

(ix) Representative to Scottish Women's Committee.

(x) The Scottish Lesbian & Gay Committee, in line with National policy decisions, will continue to seek through agreement representation to all the Scottish Service Group Committees. Where this is agreed, delegates will be elected by those eligible service members at each AGM.

(xi) Representative to the UNISON delegation to STUC Conference.

(xii) Representatives (who must be APF member 1 lesbian; 1 gay man) to the Scottish Labour Campaign for Lesbian & Gay Rights.

(xiii) Representatives to other bodies as identified from time to time.

The aim is to ensure that each Committee member holds at least one position thus sharing the workload of the Committee.

3.4 The Committee will meet regularly to decide policy, aims, priorities and to progress the Committee's agreed objectives.

A diary of meetings will be set by the Committee, informed by the Servicing Officer in consultation with the National Lesbian & Gay Officer, and the Scottish Secretary to ensure that the work programme of the Scottish Lesbian & Gay Committee relates to that of the National Lesbian & Gay Committee and Scottish Committee/Council. These shall be fixed dates and locations with the Co-Convenors taking responsibility for chairing these meetings.

3.5 Meetings shall be held in appropriate and accessible venues throughout Scotland.

3.6 The Co-Convenors will meet bi-monthly with the Secretary and the Servicing Officer to discuss items of business prior to and after Committee meetings.

3.7 The general management and organisation of the Committee's activities between meetings shall be vested in the Co-Convenors and Secretary. The Co-Convenors and Secretary shall have full power and authority to act on behalf of the Committee in every respect and for every purpose falling within the remit of the Committee. The Co-Convenors and Secretary shall have a duty to consult with other relevant office bearers and shall not do anything that is inconsistent with the guidelines or policy of the Committee as laid down at the AGM.

The Secretary shall be responsible for taking minutes, deal with correspondence, liaising with the Co-Convenors, Serving Officer and appropriate administrative staff.

3.8 Committee representatives to other bodies shall prepare a written report for distribution prior to committee meetings.

4 General

4.1 The quorum of the AGM or any EGM shall be ten members.

4.2 The Constitution shall only be amended at the AGM by a majority of two-thirds of those present and voting.

4.3 The Co-Convenors shall arrange to send notice of the AGM to Committee members, Branches and other Self-Organised Groups at least four weeks prior to the meeting.

4.4 An EGM shall be called by giving notice in writing to the Co-Convenors signed by ten members, indicating the reason for the meeting.

4.5 Recommendation for dissolution of the Committee can only be made at the AGM or an EGM called for that purpose with the approval of two-thirds of those present and voting.

4.6 The Committee and Servicing Officer(s) will ensure that members' requests for confidentiality are maintained at all times.

4.7 The facility for a caucus of black, lesbian and gay members and disabled lesbian and gay members to meet will be provided.




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