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All service groups report to Scottish Council in February, April and December each year. This is the most recent report.

Scottish Council Reports


The Joint Utilities Committee will next meet on Wednesday 18th May 2011 in UNISON House, Glasgow. Unfortunately, our annual weekend seminar in February had to be cancelled but we are hoping to hold an event in September around a Scottish Parliament visit. Details of this event will be discussed at the Committee meeting.

The pay negotiations in the Energy Networks part of Scottish Power concluded with a "best that could be achieved through negotiation" final offer of 3%.

Four Trade Unions, including UNISON, were involved and after ballots (UNISON members voted overwhelmingly to accept) there wasn't a general concensus to accept. This was reported to the Company and a further meeting to discuss the impasse will be held on 21/22 March 2011.

In the Energy Retail part of Scottish Power, following further negotiations, the value of the "pay pot" increased from 2.5% to 2.65% as the RPI formula clause agreed at the time of settlement had been triggered due to rising inflation. This movement by the Company was welcomed by negotiators and proved the value of having a reopener clause in longer term pay deals.

Colleagues in Scottish Water are due to commence pay negotiations on their annual pay award in the next few weeks. It is also worth noting that, following detailed negotiations with the employer, former British Energy employees who now work in CapGemini achieved a 4.7% increase in pay which was unanimously accepted.

There is no doubt whatsoever that one of the biggest issues being faced by our members in Utilities is the continuing use of Managing Attendance Procedures. In all areas, sickness review meetings and disciplinaries are on the increase as employers continue to clamp down on members being off work ill.

Stewards and officers of branches are facing increasing demands from members for advice and representation.

Finally, recruitment is again going to be the priority for Utility Branches in 2011. It was recognised at our meeting in February that we must continue to recruit to have a strong and powerful voice in the sector.

Gerry Crawley Regional Organiser Utilities March 2011

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