Scottish Black Members Policy Weekend
Pav Akhtar (National Equalities Officer) talked
about the Unison's Project" Challenging
racism in the workplace", at the Scottish
Black Members committee's policy weekend, which
took place at Apex Hotel Dundee, this year.
At the weekend, Pav Akhtar provided training on
mainstreaming of Equality. Sofi Taylor provided
valuable inputs to build awareness of SBMC that
what needs doing in the branches to use Equality
as bargaining agenda.
Pav Akhtar provided in-depth information regarding
the priorities and purpose of the policy weekend.
SBMC discussed, amended and agreed on the SBMC draft
action plan for 2007.
One of the highlights of the policy weekend was
SBMC networking session, which commenced after dinner.
The session was a hit as members were able to view,
enjoy and reflect on DVD / presentations of NBM
Conference 2007, which include Dave Prentis's speech,
Ismail Donmez moving Scottish motions at the National
Black Members Conference, and memento of moments
to remember, from the conference.
Also Trade Union images of Scottish and National
Black members, who attended the National Delegates
Conference 2006, provided an opportunity for SBMC
members to know who is who at National and Scottish
levels. The members engaged themselves informally
into discussion regarding black issues to build
their learning. SBMC thanked Eileen Dinning Scottish
Equalities officer, for her support to organise
the networking session. The session closed before
the mid night.