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Siu Index
October 2004 No.50

Gavin Cleland - trade unionist and safety campaigner

Many of us would have known Gavin Cleland who died in July this year.

Some will remember him from his days as a NUPE activist and more from his consistent campaign for justice for the families bereaved by the Piper Alpha disaster - where he lost a son - and for increased workplace health and safety.

With his presence at STUC, Labour and Health and Safety Conferences, he consistently, coherently and calmly pressed his case for prosecution of the Occidental Oil Company - operators of the Piper Alpha production platform on which his youngest boy, Robert, died.

All who remember his campaigning in NUPE will not be surprised at his persistence.

As Bill Speirs, STUC General Secretary, said: "The best we can do to honour Gavin's life is to keep up the battle for the highest standards of health and safety in the workplace and secure the introduction of a criminal offence of corporate culpable homicide."

Gavin's two other sons - Gavin and Joe - and their and Robert's families have our sympathy and commiserations.

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