Mungo Foundation
Housing Support Services in The Mungo
Foundation (TMF) have received two hits in the last
few months to their terms and conditions of employment.
In the first one, because of the funding
cuts being implemented by Glasgow city council, TMF
asked staff to VOLUNTEER for a cut in hours or redundancy.
TMF asked staff to volunteer a cut in
hours or redundancy to try and make this saving then
they then received another blow from the Council in
relation to the Personalisation Agenda, with Glasgow
city council seeking another 20 to 30% from the Service
User's budgets which would be passed on to staff.
As this was a staff at risk situation
UNISON were consulted, UNISON assured members that
they would work to ensure staff were fully consulted
and the process was carried out properly.
The process has almost been completed
now and all staff working in the Learning Disability
Service will have up to 20% cut in their hours and
will receive new contracts from 1st May 2011.
Workshops have commenced where staff
have been asked to contribute their views in the provision
of this new service and it was clearly indicated by
TMF the importance of the project workers roles in
the delivery of this service.
TMF have developed guides and handbooks
for staff to assist with new ways of working, outcome
based support training has also been arranged.
This has been an anxious few months
for all concerned but UNISON hopes if the service
develops and picks up new business, in the future
they would be able to renegotiate hours lost to members.
Alice Lyness,
UNISON Convenor, TMF