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STUC 2011



Comprehensive education works - let's protect it

Sandra Keniw
Sandra Kennie
The STUC will to continue to put pressure on the Scottish Government and Scotland's local authorities to minimise the damage to Scotland's education system and to Scotland's young people, and to protect the principle that high quality, comprehensive schools will continue to be available to all young people within their local communities.

"Scotland's comprehensive education system is something we are rightly proud of", said UNISON's Sandra Kennie supporting the EIS motion. "It's not just the high standing of our system on international league tables though Comprehensive schools play a vital role in reducing inequality and bringing people together in communities. Perhaps that's why the Tories hate it so much".

But she warned, "As the cuts begin to impact on schools the pressure will grow though. The private sector will push for a greater share of the education budget. We must be ready to fight them. Comprehensive education works. It is a system we need to protect."

The motion slammed the loss of 3,000 teaching jobs since 2007 and Sandra drew attention to the effects on all staff in schools.

"A whole range of staff are needed to support the development of Scotland's children. It is not just teachers: schools need classroom assistants, secretaries librarians, janitors, technician, educational psychologists, the speech therapists and special needs staff making sure that every child no matter what challenges they face has the chance to go to the school they choose.

"It is the whole team working together that delivers education."

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