by John Stevenson
Alan Cowan
The STUC will 'positively engage' with the Scottish
Government to protect and improve the working conditions
of union members.
The call came from the Fire Brigades Union and it recognised
the work the STUC was already doing in that area.
Backing the move, UNISON's Alan Cowan said "Regardless
of political colours, it is only right and proper that
we engage positively and proactively with the new government.
"UNISON has a successful track record of working in
partnership at local and national level. We will lobby,
we will inform and we will seek to influence the Scottish
Alan welcomed the commitment from the government to
no compulsory redundancies as a result of the budget
"Congress, we will hold them to that promise", he
UNISON had welcomed the 'memorandum of understanding'
with the Scottish Government to ensure constructive
engagement. But he cautioned that we have seen strategies
on shared services published without consultation and
early years initiatives with no discussion with staff.
The centralisation of the careers service and the extension
of the rail franchise were also areas where the 'memorandum
of understanding' had not been held to by the government.
"Our agenda is positive, forward looking and credible.
UNISON is accountable to our members and the Scottish
Government are accountable to the people of Scotland.
We will judge the 'memorandum' based on results", said