UNISON begins to exert its influence
In the run up to the 2007 Scottish Parliament election, UNISON
will be actively seeking to advocate our policies to political
parties to try to ensure the strongest possible showing of
UNISON policies in party manifestos.
Through LabourLink activity, we have been very much involved
in the contributions to the massive information gathering
and discussion fora that form the Labour Party's manifesto
However, for the first time this year we have been asked
to contribute to the Liberal Democrat policy consultation
that precedes their manifesto.
"We have sent the Liberal Democrats a policy document that
stresses UNISON's commitment to accountability, equality and
promotion of public services", said Matt Smith, UNISON's Scottish
"This invitation is a welcome development that shows the
value of the work we have been doing in the Scottish Parliament
and with Scotland's political parties."
UNISON will also be attending the SNP and Scottish Green
Party Conferences this autumn to promote its policies. We
have already been to the Spring conferences of the SSP, Labour
Party and Conservatives.
The current UNISON Revitalise our public services manifesto,
- www.unison-scotland.org.uk/revitalise
- is also being discussed with a view to updating and refreshing
UNISON's basic five principles for public services - democratic
accountability, capacity & innovation, recruitment & retention,
performance and public service networks.
Dave Watson, UNISON's Scottish Organiser for policy and information
has also reiterated UNISON's request for members to come forward
to input into policy formulation. "If you have a particular
knowledge of a sector of the public services, and feel that
improvements could be made to that service - why not let us
know who you are and what the area of interest is?" he said.
Please contact Dave on d.watson@unison.co.uk.
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