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Siu Index
Sept/Oct 2005 No 56

Fiona wins UK TUC Youth Award

Congratulations go to Fiona Smith, Chair of the Scottish Young Members Committee, and of the National Young Members Forum, for her success in winning the TUC award for youth at the TUC Young Members Conference this year.

Fiona is well known in Scotland, being a powerhouse in working with her branch - Aberdeen City - organising young members, recruitment campaigns and training.

She is as active at a Scottish level - holding an STUC General Council seat for young workers and as vice chair of the Scottish Youth Parliament.

She is as active outwith UNISON too, working with Aberdeen TUC to stop the National Front, she sits on the Children's Panel in Aberdeen and she has brought together a group of delegates to the International Youth Conference to develop an international website to support young TU members and young workers worldwide.

Matt Smith, UNISON Scottish Secretary said, "UNISON Scotland welcomes this recognition by the TUC of the work that Fiona puts in on behalf of UNISON members. Whether it is on the STUC General Council, or promoting trade union awareness in schools her commitment and workload are second to none.

"An excellent example for all members - not just young members."

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