Unions into Schools course
A programme involving training union reps to visit schools
and colleges and talk to students about the trade union
movement and world of work, is being provided by dedicated
TUC tutors at Stow College.
They use the course to provide representatives with the
skills and confidence to lead a discussion with students.
Topics for pupils have included health and safety, issues
for young workers, the global economy and workers of the
world, employment rights, the law at work, the minimum wage,
the living wage campaign, trade union representation, the
role of the trade union and negotiation.
Once trained, reps will be asked to take part in a minimum
of one school visit, but can assist in more if available.
For more information see www.stuc.org.uk/unionswork/education.
The course is usually run day release over five weeks,
but after negotiations with the STUC and Stow college, UNISON's
Learning & Organising committee are piloting a dedicated
UNISON into Schools training course on either a Monday to
Friday block or two block basis i.e. three days one week
and two days the next at the end of August or early September
in Glasgow.
Please complete a UNISON course application form stating
your preference and return to Sandie Thomas at Belford road.We’ll
be in touch as soon as dates are confirmed.
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