One year claim £1,000 or 5%
The shape of the claim for a pay rise for Local Government
staff in Scotland became clearer as the Local Government Committee
agreed to press for a one year claim of £1,000 or 5% - whichever
was the greater.
Dougie Black, UNISON Regional Officer said, "If this is confirmed
by Scottish Local Government Conference, then we will pursue
this with the other unions and compile a claim for a fair
pay rise for local government staff once the current two-year
deal comes to an end in April 2008."
In addition to the pay element of the claim, the committee
also want to seek an increase of 3 days annual leave (both
at basic level and after five years service) and a St Andrew's
Day public holiday.
The Scottish Executive has endorsed the pay policy of the
UK Treasury that seeks to limit public sector pay rises to
2%. Although this is not a direct dictat to local government,
it will clearly be influential as the forthcoming Scottish
government budget (including the money for local government)
will assume all the Scottish public sector is following these
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