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Siu Index
October/November 2008 No 75

Pensions Governance - members need greater say

Negotiations on the next stage of the agreed new Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) are starting. Task groups looking at how the new scheme is to be governed and how any future increase in the costs of benefits are to be shared will start work early next month.

Progress has already been made on scheme governance at national level with the establishment of a new national tripartite advisory group. The focus now is on strengthening scheme governance at local level.

Mike Kirby (Scottish Convenor) said, "UNISON has always campaigned for a much greater say for LGPS members in the running of the scheme in Scotland. These discussions will allow us to put forward these proposals."

On cost sharing the new scheme has been fully costed and is affordable, funded by the new contribution rates agreed for scheme members and employers.

The assumptions built into the funding model are not expected to increase greatly in the short term. However, in the longer term we agreed to look at mechanisms that would trigger a review if there were significant changes that impact on scheme affordability.

The task group will look at how this might work in practice and aims to report by March 2010.


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