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Siu Index
October/November 2008 No 75

Scottish Government programme threatens members' jobs

by Dave Watson

The Scottish Government has launched its legislative programme for the coming year with 15 Bills planned in addition to those already in progress.

Probably the biggest individual threat to UNISON members comes from the Council Tax Abolition Bill. This directly threatens the jobs of some 5,000 UNISON members in Scottish local government and will also leave a huge hole in council finances of at least £750m because the Scottish Government's so called 'Local' Income Tax, is planned to be set at a level that fails to raise anything like current Council Tax revenue.

This will inevitably lead to further pressure on local government jobs.

For other members the new tax will shift the burden of taxation from property owners to workers and in particular working families.

Climate change remains one of the most serious threats facing Scotland and the world. A Climate Change Bill will seek to cut emissions in Scotland. The debate will be over how radical Scotland should be.

Two Health Bills will focus on welcome measures to control tobacco and introduce a measure of democracy into NHS Scotland through direct elections to health boards.

Education Bills include new measures for young people with additional support needs, consultation on rural school closures and the reform of the Children's Hearing system.

Plans for early years remain rather vague and the funding of free school meals will remain contentious.

As always the Budget Bill will be crucial for all of Scotland's public services and we will be looking particularly closely at the funding of core budgets compared with the budgets ministers reserve for their own announcements.

A Public Service Reform Bill will also have implications for members working in NDPBs.

For more details on the programme see P&I Briefing 188 on the website.

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