Lay edited bi-monthly bulletin for 5,000 activists
in Scotland |
2004 No 50 (Next issue
Nov/Dec 2004) |
time for equal pay
Employers in the public sector are marching towards a
crisis unless they move quickly to deal with the inherent
inequalities in their pay scales. That's the message from
UNISON in local government, health and higher education.
more...> |
to your 50th SiU
To celebrate the 50th Scotland inUNISON since its
birth 10 years ago, we have given it a trial new look.
What do you think of it? Should we try other designs?
Are there stories you would like to see?...... more...> |

Recruitment campaign launches with TV
ad UNISON has set a target of four
per cent growth in membership for 2004.To reach this
in Scotland we have to recruit 10,868 new members before
the end of December..more...> |
Government pay settlement marks time
Despite a clear majority from UNISON members
in favour of accepting the Scottish local government
employers offer of 2.95% in each of the next two
years, things will now be delayed as GMB and T&GWU
members move to ballot. more...> |

Agenda for Change roadshows outline new
A bulletin has gone out to Health members in Scotland
updating on Agenda for Change and giving details of roadshows
around the country to brief members. more...> |
roadsweeper re-writes disability law
A landmark ruling by the House of Lords in the case of
UNISON member Susan Archibald has greatly strengthened
the employment rights of disabled people. . more...> |
STUC launches
charter for Scotland's water industry
The STUC has launched a Charter for Scotland's water
industry underpinned by the principle that Scottish
Water should remain publicly owned and accountable...more...>

Minister promises action on staff abuse
Finance & Public Services Minster Andy Kerr tells SiU
about the Scottish Executive's pledge to tackle abuse
of public service workers. more...> |

'Efficient Government' must not be cost-cutting
The launch of the 'Efficient Government' initiative by
Scottish Ministers will be closely monitored by UNISON
in Scotland. more...> |

No such thing as ethical nurse recruitment policy
In the week that new figures show a three-fold increase
in the number of nurses being employed from developing
countries UNISON warned that there is not such a thing
as an ethical nurse recruitment strategy. . more...> |
How does the
Scottish Parliament affect us? ... maybe more than you
think! Sixteen bills are being considered by the Parliament
with a further 31 private member bills also published.
Add to this 36 consultations and we've got our work cut
out to make sure UNISON's voice is heard. . more...> |
Overseas Nurses
- UNISON initiative starts to bear fruit: UNISON Scotland's
Overseas Nurses Network - open to all overseas health
workers despite its title - has grown from strength to
strength since it was started by Sofi Taylor, UNISON NEC
member, early last year. more...>
manifesto: Comments from all needed
'Scotland 2010'. is part of the Scottish Labour
Party's process for drafting its 2007 election manifesto,
it is not simply open to Labour Party members or APF
fund payers in UNISON. . more...>

UNISON Scotland condemns rise in NHS Assaults
UNISON Scotland has condemned the rise in NHS assaults
outlined in the NHSScotland Occupational Health and
Safety survey. . more...>

'Dramatic' twist to anti-PFI campaign: UNISON's
long-running campaign against PFI/PPP has taken a dramatic
step forward, with sponsorship of a major tour of 7:84
Theatre Company's new show 'Private Agenda. more...> |

Magazine and website courses
The Magazine editors training will be going ahead on
Friday 1 - Sunday 3 October at Reid Kerr College, Paisley,
staying at the Glasgow Airport Hotel. . more...>
Lesbian and Gay Group 11th Annual Conference Saturday
16 October 2004, Glasgow more...>
Gavin Cleland
- trade unionist and safety campaigner
Some will remember him from his days as a NUPE activist
and more from his consistent campaign for justice for
the families bereaved by the Piper Alpha disaster -
where he lost a son - and for increased workplace health
and safety. more...> |
Won any deals or cases for members? Any 'people' stories
we could use? SiU is your paper, we want to hear
your stories.. . more...> |
Published by UNISON Scottish Council, 14
West Campbell Street, Glasgow G2 6RX. Editor John Stevenson
UNISON Scotland 1998-2003
Headlines . Communications . Home
want to hear your news
Won any deals or cases for members? Any 'people' stories
we could use? SiU is your paper, we want to hear
your stories.
- Your SiU contacts are:
- John Stevenson (Editor)
- 0131 220 5655
- email
- Chris Bartter
- 0845 355 0845,
- chris.bartter@unison.org.uk
- FAX PRESS RELEASES to 0141-331-1203