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Siu Index
June 2010 No 85

UNISON Scottish solidarity with victimised US Sodexo workers

by John Stevenson

Lanarkshire Health’s Elaine Carswell was part of an eight-person delegation of Sodexo workers and trade unionists from the United Kingdom and France, who visited the US in April.

The SEIU union had been organisisng nationwide actions against the anti trade union practices of the contractor in the US.

Workers have been victimised and dismissed for organising trade unions on Sodexo worksites and two thirds of Sodexo workers receive no heath care.

Elaine met Sodexo workers from George Mason University and Ohio State University, and took part in the action at Sodexo's US headquarters, as well as meeting Hollywood star Danny Glover who was there backing the workers.

“Thank you once again for the amazing experience! I had a blast! Alas, now it's up to me to make this experience count”, said Elaine.

“It was a fantastic opportunity to see first hand the price people will pay for others: the risk of workers having no job if they speak up for what should be a given - dignity and respect!

“To have the right to be paid a fair pay for a fair day's work, the right to have health insurance, sick pay, pension rights and even a contract of employment!

“I was truly humbled by this experience, especially when I know that we have it a lot easier here in Scotland in comparison.

“I will of course reiterate that we are not immune to viruses, and what is spreading in the USA could very well be caught here; therefore prevention is always better than cure.

“We need to stay vigilant and recognise the signs of the times.

“Companies like Sodexo are not respecters of people; they will infect whoever they want if we let them."

In the UK workers in Richmond School Meals Service and UNISON organisers are leading a fight to to get sick pay and other conditions that have been lost through outsourcing to Sodexo.

Elaine was pictured with Hollywood star Danny Glover who was also backing the Sodexo workers.

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