UNISON first pathway for migrant workers launched in Glasgow
March saw the first Pathway into UNISON course in the UK
set up for migrants in Glasgow.
Eighteen delegates from the Philippines and four from
Poland joined representatives from Kenya, Sierra Leone,
Nicaragua, India and Zimbabwe.
One of the many guests to join this event was Daniel Krzyszczak
from the Northern TUC. Bridget Hunter and Elaine Dinning
from UNISONScotland attended the evening discussion and
meal with the delegates.
Greg Thomson from the Migrant Workers Unit said: "UNISONScotland
should be proud to able to bring together this number of
migrant members for this first course.
“Everyone enjoyed it and many of the delegates are considering
becoming learning reps, shop stewards or health and safety
There was so much of interest that many migrant members
wish to be involved in the future.
However there is only one course per region. If you are
a migrant member and remain interested in attending or future
courses, please contact: Migrant Workers' Unit directly
on 020 7551 1676 or 020 7551 1480.
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