New Stewards Training Courses
by Nancy Kelly
The main training for new Stewards is the current three
day Organising Steward course. Most new Stewards then follow
that up with the two day Handling Grievances and Disciplinaries
From April 2011 this is all changing.
The main course for new Stewards (and the required training
for accreditation) will be a new five day Organising Steward
The Scottish Learning and Organising Committee will be
planning a series of the new courses as part of the annual
programme and are looking for views on how the course should
be delivered.
This could be as a five day block, one day a week for five
weeks, two days together followed by three days together
The key thing is that stewards will need to complete all
five days to get accreditation and therefore time off may
be an issue.
If you have views on how this would work best please let
us know - email Nancy Kelly at
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