Disabled members publish action plan
UNISON Scotland’s Disabled Members’ Committee wants to
engage with all Branches in Scotland to publicise their
action plan for the coming year.
The action plan is....
1. To have disabled and disability issues in all aspects
of mainstream UNISON education.
2. To do a mapping exercise to ascertain Branches’ approach
to representation of members with disabled and disability
access issues and problems with employers, other employees
and trade union reps.
3. To have disabled and disability issues more visible
within the Branches.
4. To ensure all Branches have Equalities Officers
5. To have current and accurate information and legislation
6. To involve all stewards active in the Branch on disabled
and disability issues.
7. To cascade good practice to all Branches.
Disabled Members’ Chair John Nisbet said, “It would be
helpful if Branches would notify the Chair or Secretary
of the Committee of names and email addresses of their Equality
Contact John Nisbet on johnsnisbet@gmail.com
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