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Siu Index
Feb/March 2007 No 65

Help UNISON put the environment on the election agenda

by Fiona Montgomery

Calling all UNISON members whose work directly helps to tackle climate change and boost sustainable development!

Can you help UNISON Scotland to promote environmental policies during the Scottish election campaign by having your efforts featured in a mini manifesto highlighting the excellent work our members do?

The Policy and Information Team would like to speak to you if you or your colleagues work directly on projects such as recycling, reducing energy consumption, promoting public sector use of local, organic food suppliers or in any other relevant area.

Maybe you work in environmental health, as a park ranger or you help raise awareness of ways in which the public can help, such as composting, shared car schemes, improved public transport or other ways of reducing our environmental 'footprint'.

Whatever you do that is 'green', we are keen to speak to you to help us in compiling the manifesto. We may also want to arrange a photograph.

If you can help, please send a short paragraph with some details to Fiona Montgomery at f.montgomery@unison.co.uk or contact her on 0141 342 2819. (Mon, Tues, Wed am).

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