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Siu Index
Feb/March 2007 No 65

Culture Bill consultation

UNISON is seeking comments from members working in the Culture sector on the Executive's new Culture Bill, and the accompanying guidance document.

The Bill follows on from the Executive's policy statement Scotland's Culture, and contains three main sectors.

Central is the concept of cultural entitlements and the lead role of local authorities in cultural planning - thrown into sharp focus by Glasgow City's proposals, but the bill also deals with the setting up of the new agency Creative Scotland and the running of the National Collections.

Any member or activist working in the cultural sector (libraries, museums, arts development, community arts, theatres, halls and galleries) who wants to input to the UNISON response should contact c.bartter@unison.co.uk as soon as possible.

The Consultation document is on the Executive website www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2006/12/14095224/0

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