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Siu Index
March 2006 No.59

Getting equal!

By Glyn Hawker

The Equal Pay Unit (EPU) set up by Thompsons on UNISON's behalf has now processed over 7000 enquiries from members. Most of these have resulted in grievances being lodged with their employers by the EPU as a first stage to lodging Employment Tribunal claims.

As branches will recall, these cases are being lodged to promote negotiations for a collective agreement at the Staff Council for back pay. It has become apparent that many members have not registered a request for advice from the EPU because they have not yet been assimilated to Agenda for Change terms and conditions.

This is particularly the case in Scotland, where assimilation is just beginning. We now wish to invite such members to register such an enquiry by completing the appropriate form below. It is available on the UNISON website - click here (pdf). Please note the form says return by November 2005 - this should be 31st March

Members are asked to return completed forms by no later than 31st March 2006. The EPU can process such enquiries, even if members have not been assimilated, so there is no reason to delay. The current position on the unions' claim for back pay at the Staff Council remains as before. The employers and the Government departments are not prepared to negotiate until a number of preliminary issues and test cases have been considered and determined by Employment Tribunals.

We are currently working with the EPU to ensure that we have test cases lodged for all groups of members who may have a claim.

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