Work report reflects staff concerns
UNISON has welcomed the Report of the 21st Century Social
Work Review, saying that the concerns, frustrations and aspirations
of many social work staff have been listened to and reflected
in the report.
The union went on to urge the Executive and employers to
recognise the problems of blame culture, and lack of staffing
and financial resources highlighted by the report.
Stephen Smellie, Chair of UNISONScotland's Social Work Issues
Group said: "The recommendations of the Report will need to
be considered in full but we particularly welcome the emphasis
on the critical role of a highly skilled workforce and the
need to ensure the best use of these skills.
"Our members working as Social Workers will welcome the
proposals for a range of career options and a national recognition
and reward framework, reflecting career pathways and competence.
"We are pleased that the review has accepted many of the
points UNISON has made regarding the need for politicians,
the media and indeed society, to change their attitude to
social work staff, and accept that there is no magic wand
that can solve every problem 100% of the time. Particularly
when staff face huge workloads and increased demand with low
We will continue to work with the Scottish Executive, local
authorities, the independent sector employers, users and carers
to take forward Scotland's Social Work services. We will continue
to call for the resources necessary to make sure that services
continue to improve. "Changing Lives" is a significant step
to achieving Social Work Services that meet the needs of the
people of Scotland. It will be required reading for all social
work staff."
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