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Siu Index
December 2010 No 88

Lobby your MP to fight the pensions CPI switch

UNISON is urging members to fight the Government’s plan to revalue state benefits and public sector pensions by the Consumer Price Index rather than the Retail Price Index. The CPI is generally 0.8% per annum less than the RPI.

A template letter and links to how to contact your MP on the website at www.unison-scotland.org.uk/pensions.

In the June 2010 Budget the Chancellor announced that the Government will “switch to a system where we up-rate public service pensions in line with consumer prices rather than retail prices”.

This means pensions cuts for all public sector pensions indefinitely Deferred pensions will also increase in line with CPI increases rather than RPI increases.

The UNISON UK website says, “In the context though of a Public Sector Pensions Commission, chaired by John Hutton, having been established to review public sector pension liabilities we are clearly facing a very big challenge simply to keep public sector pensions in a state close to their current form.

“UNISON is campaigning vigorously to protect good quality public sector pension schemes”.


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