UNISON questions Board over Monklands closure
UNISON Lanarkshire Health Branch has submitted a detailed
paper to the Independent Scrutiny Panel (ISP) set up by Nicola
Sturgeon MSP to re-evaluate the original proposals by NHS
Lanarkshire to reconfigure accident & emergency (A&E) services
and 'downgrade' Monklands Hospital A&E - one of the busiest
in Scotland.
The union supports keeping three A&E departments (Monklands,
Hairmyres, and Wishaw). However UNISON does not want the retention
to come at the cost of other services - especially Mental
Health or Care of the Elderly, and suggests that the ISP should
recommend strongly that NHSLanarkshire abandon its reliance
on expensive PFI funding.
Lilian Macer, Chair of UNISON NHS Lanarkshire said, "Members
of NHSLanarkshire's board (with the exception of the one)
need to reflect on why they promoted their previous recommendations
for A&E as the only and best model of delivery. "
Mary Samson, Lanarkshire Branch Secretary said, "We support
the retention of three full A&E Departments to allow for a
proportionate and sustainable level of sub-specialisation,
and with elective surgery at a site with access to intensive
care facilities."
UNISON maintains that major capital investments for the long
term must ensure value for money, be based on buildings and
service configurations which stand the test of time.
John Gallacher, Regional Officer, said, "The Scottish Government
should ensure that NHS Lanarkshire is fairly treated under
the allocation of future budgets.
"This is essential to ensure the Board can revise and take
forward its Strategy for A&E Services in Lanarkshire, as well
as other key services"
UNISON's original response to the board said the case for
moving away from three A&E Departments had not been made.
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