Never too old to start learning - and it's FREE!
by Lucanne MacKay
"I'm too old to start learning" "I can't do the course" "I
can't afford to learn" "I don't have the time to do the course"
These are everyday perceptions of learning but did you know.....
- You are NEVER too old to start learning - we are learning
all the time and there is no age limit
- UNISON Learning@Work programme consists of courses all
about confidence building .
- Scottish Executive funding has enabled all NHS staff and
staff in Social Care in Scotland to access different courses
- these courses are FREE, and we all love FREE!!!
- Courses are attended in work time
So what is the catch? There isn't one!
UNISON has negotiated funding for our members and non members
so they can access FREE learning and in work time.
What courses?
Learning@Work programme includes:
- Return to Learn
- Improve your Study Skills
- Intro to IT (NHS staff)
UNISON branches locally negotiate with their employer to
get the best deal for their members, branches then raise awareness
of the opportunities and line managers are made aware of the
benefits of releasing staff to attend courses.
Learners who complete any of the above courses often continue
on the learning journey. Of course, it's your choice if you
want to continue on this learning route.
Many people decide they like this style of learning and choose
to be involved with UNISON as all our courses are designed
to be confidence building and fully supportive. They get the
learning bug, want to encourage learning amongst colleagues
and become learning reps!
Recently, learning has revolved around Agenda for Change
- KSF plays a major part in NHS, and in Social Care there
is the requirement of qualification for registration.
The above courses are a great stepping stone in helping
staff gain the confidence to progress in both these areas.
UNISON also works in partnership with the Open University,
who offer many courses which could benefit UNISON members.
The OU's fee waiver system and the use of Individual Learning
Accounts could reduce, or possibly fully cover, the costs
of some of their courses.
If you would like more info about learning please get in
touch with Lifelong Learning Fieldworkers, Mandy Clark,
0131 226 0061, Lucanne Mackay, 0141
342 2889.
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