Housing Wardens minimum wage tribunal sete
by Kate Ramsden
Finally, a date has been set in February 2006 for Aberdeenshire
Council's sheltered housing wardens' employment tribunal.
UNISON is fully supporting the wardens and has hired a specialist
QC to represent the 47 members involved.
The wardens claim they have not been paid the national minimum
wage for all the hours that Aberdeenshire Council made them
work, and that the Working Time Directive has been breached.
"The sheltered housing wardens have been expected to be on
call and available for ridiculously long hours," said Emma
Phillips, regional organiser.
"We believe that this time is working time and that the wardens
should have been paid properly for it. It has had a major
impact on their lives."
Despite lengthy discussions with the employer over a number
of years, it has not been possible to resolve the issue, and
SiU readers will remember that wardens first lodged
claims at the Employment Tribunal in September 2004.
UNISON is disappointed that Aberdeenshire Council has not
admitted their liability.
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